Shining Our Spotlight…On YOU!

At Psychedelic Spotlight, we are deeply committed to the vibrant and diverse community that surrounds the world of psychedelic medicine, and our three core tenets of Mental Fitness, Collective Action and Social Innovation. This community at large is not just a collection of individuals interested in the therapeutic potentials of psychedelics; it’s a thriving, dynamic ecosystem of thinkers, activists, healers, researchers, and everyday people who believe in the transformative power of these substances. In other words, a nation of superheroes! And it’s time for your voices to be heard louder and clearer than ever.

We’re excited to announce an open call for content from you, our cherished readers. This isn’t just a solicitation; it’s an invitation to become an integral part of our mission to amplify the voices that make up the very fabric of our community. Whether you’re an experienced writer, a passionate speaker, or someone with a story to tell, we want to hear from you.

Share Your Stories

Do you have a personal experience with psychedelics that has changed your life? Have you seen the positive impact of psychedelic therapy in your community? We want to hear your stories. Your journey can inspire others, provide hope, and spread awareness about the powerful healing potential of these substances. Write an article, share your story, and let your voice be a beacon of light in our collective narrative.

Care For A Little Face Time? Be Interviewed!

Perhaps writing isn’t your forte, but you still have a lot to say. Perhaps it would make sense to raise your hand and be interviewed by us! We love engaging in deep, meaningful conversations with members of our community. Your insights and experiences can offer valuable perspectives that resonate with others. By sharing your voice, you help us create a more inclusive and comprehensive dialogue around psychedelics.

Notes From The Field: Capture Your Live Events

Are you organizing a community event centered around psychedelics? Film it and share it with us! Whether it’s a small gathering, a large conference, or a workshop, your event can be a source of inspiration and education for our broader audience. We’re eager to spotlight the incredible work happening in communities across the globe.


Do you have expertise or a unique perspective you’d like to share in real-time? Join us as a guest panelist on our live stream. Engage with our audience, answer questions, and contribute to the ongoing conversation about psychedelics. Your participation can help demystify these substances and promote informed, respectful discourse. Every Tuesday barring conflicts we’ll be live streaming on the PS YT channel, 6pm PT.

Create Courses

Are you an educator, therapist, or researcher with valuable knowledge to share? Consider creating a course for our platform. By providing structured, educational content, you can help others understand the complexities and benefits of psychedelic medicine. Your expertise is invaluable in guiding others on their journey. Perhaps we can build a course together to feature on

Taking It To The Streets: Organize Events with Us

We believe in the power of community and collaboration. If you’re passionate about organizing events, let’s work together! Whether it’s a local meetup, a large-scale conference, or an online webinar, partnering with Psychedelic Spotlight can help amplify your impact and reach a wider audience.

As Ever, Embracing Harm Reduction

At Psychedelic Spotlight, we take a harm reduction approach to education on psychedelic medicine. This means providing accurate, evidence-based information that helps individuals make informed decisions. Harm reduction is about minimizing risks and maximizing benefits, and it’s a philosophy that underpins everything we do.

Harm reduction is not just a set of practices; it’s a compassionate approach that recognizes the complexities of human behavior and meets people where they are. It’s about providing support, education, and resources that empower individuals to make safer choices. We believe that by promoting harm reduction, we can help create a safer, more informed community that is better equipped to navigate the psychedelic landscape.

The Journey Forevermore…

Psychedelic Spotlight is more than just a platform; it’s a community-driven movement. We are committed to amplifying the voices of those who are making a difference in the world of psychedelic medicine. But we can’t do it alone. We need your voices, your stories, your insights, and your passion.

So please, consider this an open invitation. Write an article, come be interviewed, share your events, join our live stream, create a course, or organize an event with us. Let’s work together to educate, inspire, and create positive change.

All creative ideas and submissions can be sent to We can’t wait to hear from you and to share your incredible work with our community.

Let’s continue to shine a light on the transformative power of psychedelics, together.

With gratitude and excitement, The Psychedelic Spotlight Team

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