‘Have A Good Trip’ Director Donick Cary Prepares a Second Dose: ‘The Adventures Continue’
The filmmaker behind the Netflix hit tells us a sequel or a series is on the way, as well as which celebrities may share more psychedelic adventures.
The filmmaker behind the Netflix hit tells us a sequel or a series is on the way, as well as which celebrities may share more psychedelic adventures.
The company will use proceeds of the fundraising round to complete its ongoing Phase 1B trial on low-dose psilocybin in patients suffering from a rare headache condition with no approved medications to treat it.
Researchers hope to establish whether the effects of microdosing are as profound as people say they are, since previous studies could not rule out placebo effect.
What’s up psychedelic stocks investors?!? Today marked atai Life Science’s (Nasdaq: atai) first-ever conference call, for Quarter 2, 2021. In the conference call, atai Life Sciences gave updates on their varying projects, ranging from attempting to treat depression, to cognitive impairment associated with schizophrenia. They also give insights on atai’s digital medicines division and answer investor’s questions at the end of the call.
This Peter Thiel-backed psychedelic therapies company is fighting for the title of the most advanced psychedelic stock. With 10+ different projects under their belt, atai is one of the most exciting companies to keep an eye on in the industry.
This conference call can help investors answer the questions: is atai stock a good investment? Will atai go up? Are psychedelic stocks / shroom stocks good investments? Can psychedelics heal depression? Can psychedelics be used for mental health?
Enjoy the episode!
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