real life psilocybin retreat reviews
5 Real Life Reviews From People Who’ve Attended a Psilocybin Retreat

Are you considering taking part in a psilocybin retreat? If so, then let us save you some time and uncover what people have to say about their experiences. Join us as we take an exploration of various real life psilocybin retreat reviews. From emotional journeys deep into discovering oneself to therapeutic visits towards healing trauma – these reviews can offer valuable insight into what a psilocybin therapy retreat can offer.

With Sayulita Wellness Retreats, countless individuals are booking their reservations for the experience of a lifetime – complete with transformative breakthroughs and unparalleled clarity on life. 

Here are 5 incredible life-changing stories:


psilocybin retreat reviews “The medicine makes you see your heart… It makes you see your soul. And you can fix it!”

– Josh, 44 Business Owner


Josh struggled with 44 years of PTSD and treatment resistant depression.  He tried every Rx medication and traditional treatment option before coming down. During his 4 day experience he was able to let go of his difficult past and find a deep sense of peace.  In his words he “found the beauty inside himself and in his life again.”



psilocybin retreat reviews“It was a healing experience where I reached a level of acceptance; that I knew everything was going to be okay.”

-Brandon, 49 CFO Denver, CO

Brandon is a veteran that came to the retreat after losing his son in 2019.  He also had recently separated in his marriage and was having suicidal ideation.  After his psychedelic journey,  he was able to say goodbye to his son and move forward in his life.  He got back together with his wife, traveled to Vegas, sold 2 investment properties, vacationed in Mexico, explored Colorado in his 4Runner, lost 35 lbs and finished at #2 in a CrossFit competition. 




psilocybin retreat reviews“I could [finally] let go of the pain I’d been holding on to for 25 years. Everything about the experience was magnificent.”

-Helena 54, Detroit MI


Helena was able to get off her Rx medication and get back to a productive and enjoyable life.  She was able to resume work, get clarity on her next steps and wake up feeling happy again after a lifetime of anxiety and depression. 

Helena added, “I got more healing in 8 days at Sayulita Wellness than 25 years of’s the best decision I’ve made in my entire life.”



psilocybin retreat reviews“I’d encourage anyone to come and enjoy this experience.”

-Alfred 74 – Retired Coach – Las Vegas, NV


Alfred decided to go to a magic mushroom therapy retreat to quit drinking alcohol.  After having a breakthrough psilocybin experience, he has been living life fully and alcohol free with his wife traveling through South America.

Six months later he still hasn’t touched alcohol. 






mushroom retreat reviews“I gained freedom, myself back.  I felt like I was lost… now I feel found again, which is a beautiful thing.”

-Cate, Business Owner, San Diego, CA


Cate had decided to go to a 4 day retreat because she was stuck in her business and wanted to move forward.  After an incredible psilocybin experience, she says she “Gets It” and went back home to expand her brand into multiple salons and launched a grand opening party for her product line.


It seems that the world is finally catching up to something that indigenous cultures have known for centuries: psilocybin, a powerful psychedelic compound found in certain mushrooms, can have profound healing effects on the mind and body. Sayulita Wellness, an all inclusive wellness center in Mexico, has been offering psilocybin retreats to individuals seeking alternative treatments for mental health conditions such as anxiety and depression.

You may also like: 3 Ways Magic Mushroom Therapy Can Help Companies Improve the Mental Health of Their Staff

According to their clients’ testimonials, these retreats have been transformative experiences, leading to increased self-awareness, enhanced creativity, and a greater sense of connectedness to the world around them. As the scientific community continues to study the potential therapeutic benefits of psilocybin, it’s clear that places like Sayulita Wellness are at the forefront of a powerful movement toward more holistic approaches to mental health.

Sayulita Wellness Retreat consists of a total staff of 15 professionals who have provided over 10,701 successful psychedelic treatments and have helped patients overcome addiction, as well as depression, anxiety, stress, overwhelm, and fatigue. 

The retreat also offers massage therapy, hypnotherapy, physical detox, breathwork and meditation practices, and so much more.

Complete with a structured itinerary that includes horseback riding, snorkeling, anti-inflammatory food daily, a safe and luxurious oceanfront environment with a private beach to experience the views of the Pacific ocean while going through an  unforgettable healing transformation.

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