Can You Form a Meaningful Relationship With a DMT Entity?
Can You Form a Meaningful Relationship With a DMT Entity?

The question on many minds is, can humans form a meaningful relationship with a DMT entity? While many skeptics may scoff at the idea, stand-up comedian, psychonaut and science enthusiast Shane Mauss‘ inexplicable connection with a DMT purple lady hints at the possibility of otherworldly bonds formed in the depths of the human psyche.

Perhaps Mauss has formed a bond with this mysterious woman, but how does one go about building a connection with something that may only exist within the confines of their own mind?

Shane may not be the only one who has been able to form a relationship with a DMT entity but his fascinating journey into his own psyche is definitely one of a kind.

The Purple Lady

According to Mauss, he has experienced more than 100 DMT trips; however, he encountered a purple deity-like entity with serpentine arms only after smoking DMT for the twentieth time and her visits became quite frequent after that.

“She was a humanoid figure with a purple hue, a flowing, almost alien-like form, and a kind, maternal presence,” Mauss says. “It felt like we had known each other for eternity.”

Mauss says that she communicated with him through telepathy and that she had a message of love and compassion for all of humanity.

In Mauss’ experiences, the purple lady became very present during his journeys into the DMT realm, and she had become a sort of guide or mentor for him. He says that her presence was comforting and reassuring, and that she helped him make sense of the intense and sometimes overwhelming experiences that he had while on the substance.

The comedian mentioned in some of his accounts that the purple lady shared insights with him regarding the interconnectedness of all things, consciousness, and the nature of reality. He also stated that she helped him comprehend and manage the intense experiences he had while taking DMT.

At first, he says, he was apprehensive about encountering this being, but over time, he came to embrace her presence and see her as a positive force in his life. He has even incorporated his experiences with the purple lady into his comedy, using humor to explore the profound and often ineffable experiences that come with psychedelic substances.

Evolution of the Relationship with the Purple Lady

Mauss has also noted that his experiences with the purple lady have evolved over time.

Hmmm, I wonder what that sounds like? Perhaps the formation of a relationship as we know it in our plane of existence?

As Mauss continued to use DMT, he began to develop a deeper relationship with this entity, which he started referring to as his “DMT girlfriend.” He would visit her during his trips and have romantic experiences with her.

However, when Mauss started dating someone in real life, things started to get complicated.

When his real-life girlfriend asked Mauss to introduce her to DMT, he obliged, noting that he hadn’t seen the purple lady in a while. But as he got sucked into the DMT realm, there she was. His DMT girlfriend had become jealous of his new relationship and began showing him disturbing visions of the universe’s violence and chaos after Mauss had explained that he needed someone real in his life.

At that point Mauss realized that he needed to end his relationship with his DMT girlfriend and focus on his real-life relationships instead.

The Purple Lady Also Showed Up In His Friends’ DMT Trips

Can You Form a Meaningful Relationship With a DMT Entity? Comedian Shane Mauss Says Yes

What’s even more intriguing is that this enigmatic entity seems to extend her presence beyond just Shane’s experience.

Friends tripping alongside him often spot her in their own visions, prodding them with curious inquiries about Shane. It’s almost as if this elusive being has a vested interest in Shane’s whereabouts.

Mauss remembers a specific occurrence where he brought one of his friends to a festival to help him with his first DMT experience. After his friend had taken his third hit, he exclaimed, “Shane, they love you here.” Of course, Shane thought his friend was referring to the DMT space being a place of love but his friend clarified that a purple lady has appeared to him after hearing Shane’s voice and has asked if Shane was with him.

The shared collective experiences on DMT are a fascinating and disputed subject among those who study and enjoy the effects of psychedelics. People who have taken DMT frequently describe comparable, vivid experiences that frequently include encounters with otherworldly entities or landscapes.

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However, in this particular situation, the experience was not something that Shane and his friend shared. When it comes to DMT trips, people often report seeing similar entities – from beings made of pure energy to giant praying mantises. But what happens when one person stays sober while their friend takes the plunge? In Shane’s case, his friend somehow managed to conjure up the same exact purple lady that he had encountered during his own DMT experience. This is certainly not your average case of “I see what you see,” as Shane and his friend didn’t even trip at the same time. Maybe the purple lady is just really good at multi-tasking in alternate dimensions. Who knows? But one thing’s for sure – DMT trips are never boring.

So, Can You Form a Meaningful Relationship With a DMT Entity?

When it comes to forming a meaningful relationship with a DMT entity, the answer isn’t as simple as yes or no. It ultimately depends on your personal beliefs. Some argue that these entities are merely a result of the psychedelic effects on the mind, while others wholeheartedly believe in their existence. Those who believe in the latter have reported vivid encounters with these beings, claiming to have established a genuine relationship with them. It’s a controversial topic, but perhaps it’s worth considering that the power of belief can shape our reality in ways we never thought possible.

If the phenomenon is not just a matter of belief and we are truly entering another dimension, it would be worth investigating whether this is a one-sided affair or if we are also allowing these entities to enter our world. Shane remembers this aspect as well, which can lead to some fascinating discussions.

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