Does Jon Stewart Microdosing Magic Mushrooms?
Have you ever wanted to try microdosing magic mushrooms before, because Jon Stewart wants to! On a recent podcast episode of The Problem with Jon Stewart, the political comedian opened his show by saying “I’ve been microdosing the whole week!”, before clarifying that he just WANTS to try psychedelic microdosing.
The satirist, sometimes known as America’s Conscience, is one of the most influential voices in media over the last 3 decades. His short and funny forrow into the psychedelics debate should help further propel the issue into the mainstream.
Can microdosing help depression? Can Microdosing help mental health? Jon Stewart thinks so, though this claim needs to be verified by the medical establishment.
Microdosing has become a popular trend for professionals in the last few decades, so it is not surprising that Jon Stewart knows about it. He is a man with his finger on America’s pulse.
Link to podcast:
Enjoy the episode!
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