3 Microdosing Alternatives to Relieve Stress
3 Microdosing Alternatives to Relieve Stress

Microdosing with psychedelics to relieve stress is a tool more and more people seem to reach for nowadays. As the trend continues to get more popular, it’s important to remember it’s not the only tool. There are and will always be microdosing alternatives.

Microdosing refers to taking very small doses of psychedelics in order to improve your mental health without getting high. An emerging body of research has been showcasing its positive effects on those suffering from treatment-resistant depression, anxiety, PTSD, stress management, eating disorders, addiction, and more. 

Although the decriminalization and legalization of psychedelic substances is happening in cities and states across the country, the fact remains that the drugs required for microdosing are still largely illegal. That means they’re hard to find, and anyone buying and consuming them are still at risk of criminal prosecution. So, for most people, it’s not the most accessible practice to add to a daily routine.

Fortunately, we have more tools at our disposal — at least when it comes to stress — so consider trying out these legal and free microdosing alternatives to achieve the same release.


In the last couple of years, journaling has become a major trend. Not only among those who are struggling with their mental health, but also anyone and everyone who’s in need of a new self-care tool to help deal with daily stress

It’s free, fairly easy, and can be done literally anytime and anywhere. All you need is a pen and paper (or a laptop for the tech lovers) and you’re good to go. Whatever comes to your mind, write it down. There are no rules. 

Whether you’re putting down your deepest thoughts, describing what happened in your day, starting a gratitude list, or noting an idea that popped into your mind, it doesn’t matter. As long as it helps you relax and lower your stress levels. 

Some people prefer to write first thing in the morning while others like to spend some time with their journal before bedtime. Whatever works for you and your lifestyle will always be the best option.


Closing your eyes and getting deeper into yourself has been a tool for relieving stress for thousands of years. Ironically, it’s now when we need it the most that we struggle with trying it out. 

Many people believe meditation is too hard and trying to clear your head of thoughts is impossible. Well, both claims are true. Meditation is hard, it’s definitely something to work on and get better over time, but it’s the work itself that gets you to where you want to be. That’s what drastically lowers your stress and teaches you to be in the present moment. 

Secondly, clearing your head of thoughts is practically impossible, but it’s not the goal of meditation at all. Your thoughts will always be there. The real goal is to let them exist without stressing you out, without causing anxiety and worry. It’s when you learn to live with how you feel and what you think while managing to relax that your meditation is starting to work. 

With all the apps out there, starting to meditate isn’t so challenging after all. All of them have experts in the field who guide you and keep you going even when you feel like giving up. Some of the best-reviewed include Headspace, Calm, as well as Simple Habit, and they cater to everyone, from a total beginner to someone who meditates regularly.  


Lastly, one of the best tools for relieving stress is exercise. And there’s no particular type that works better than others. It’s whatever you enjoy and gets your endorphins up. 

If you’re just starting out, try out a variety of different workouts and see what makes you feel good and keeps you motivated. Whether it’s running first thing in the morning, sweating it up on hot yoga, or getting your heart rate up in Zumba classes, add it to your weekly routine and feel your stress levels going down. 

In addition to relieving stress, exercise is amazing for your overall health and wellness as it improves your cardiovascular fitness, keeps your muscles activated and engaged, and even does wonders for your sleep. The only trick is to find what you enjoy and stick to it.

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