Psychedelic Spotlight News

Massachusetts Advocates Aim to Substitute Psychedelic Ballot Measure, Expose Voter Manipulation by D.C. PAC

Massachusetts Advocates Aim to Substitute Psychedelic Ballot Measure, Expose Voter Manipulation by D.C. PAC

“The PAC behind this ballot question rigged the rules for psychedelic services in Oregon, where people are now charged around $3,500 for a gram of psilocybin mushrooms that normally costs $10. We will not let this entity corner life-saving treatments in our Commonwealth,” remarked James Davis, Bay Staters for Natural Medicine Cofounder and a former staffer for the Massachusetts legislature’s Joint Committee on Cannabis Policy.

How Psychedelics Changed My Relationship With Myself

How Psychedelics Changed My Relationship With Myself

This experience fueled a complete shift and caused me to change my thoughts, my habits, and my life. I am very fortunate to have had my awakening and already find myself in a loving marriage and a career I consider part of my life’s purpose.

Explained: Expelled Attendee Incident at 2023 Wonderland Conference

Explained: Expelled Attendee Incident at 2023 Wonderland Conference

There is more to both sides of the story, according to Parham Albadvi, the frustrated attendee, and Connor Haslam, the CEO of Microdose, as revealed in a separate interview by Psychedelic Spotlight.

The quick explanation is that Albadvi violated some of the published rules of the code of conduct, and Microdose management expelled him.

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