Psychedelic Educational Platform Launches Integration Therapy Survey Study to Promote Harm Reduction
Photo by Gantas Vaičiulėnas from Pexels

Growing awareness of psychedelic-assisted therapy has increased the demand for integration therapy as more people seek resources to help them plan, prepare for, and process their psychedelic experience. This has also created a remarkable opportunity for clinicians to help clients who wish to pursue alternatives to traditional mental health treatment. 

Fluence, an educational platform that provides professional certification and training in psychedelic therapy and psychedelic integration, is launching a survey study to learn more about psychedelic integration therapists, their clients, and the mental health outcomes associated with their care. With the support of Osmind’s digital platform, clinicians and patients who sign up to participate in the study will be able to quickly and easily contribute research to help shape the future of psychedelic integration therapy. 

Patients seek integration care for many reasons and as such, treatment protocols for integration therapy can be difficult to standardize. By participating in the study survey, clinicians can better understand why patients turn to psychedelic integration therapy and how, as psychedelic professionals, they can best serve the needs of their clients seeking integration support. 

“Psychedelic Harm Reduction and Integration is addressing a major unmet need in the community, but very little empirical research has been conducted on the subject,” says Dr. Ingmar Gorman, Principal Investigator of the study and Fluence co-founder. “Our study collaborating with Osmind will allow us to better understand how psychedelic integration is practiced by therapists and how their clients are affected by this approach.”

Clinicians who sign up for the program will be asked to complete a demographis form regarding their psychedelic integration practices and answer a brief one-time survey. Once they become a part of the program, clinicians can ask their patients if they want to participate in the survey as well. Those who do will also be asked to fill out a demographic form and to complete a survey after each psychotherapy session. Both clinicians and patients may withdraw from the study at any time.

For more information or to sign up for the study, visit Fluence’s website

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