conversation between DMT, Shrooms and LSD
conversation between DMT, Shrooms and LSD

Have you ever wondered what it would be like to sit down and have a conversation with the big three of psychedelics: DMT, shrooms, and LSD? Well, wonder no more! To break any potential workplace awkwardness while these trippy friends discuss their experiences, we asked an AI bot to simulate their discussion – giving us an idea of how they’d get along without the human interference. From deep dives into existence to goofy puns, this is sure to be one wild ride. So fasten your seatbelt and enjoy this strange but comical conversation between DMT, shrooms and LSD!

When I initially tested the Ai chat bot by having it simulate a conversation speaking like a Zoomer, the result was pretty entertaining! Then, when I asked the Ai to converse normally, something remarkable happened—the dialogue became intricate and various interesting topics were discussed…

So without further ado, here’s simulated Chat GPT conversation between DMT, Shrooms and LSD.


conversation between DMT Shrooms and LSD
Simulated Ai rendition of DMT, Shrooms and LSD in a virtual chat room.


Me: Begin the conversation like a Zoomer.

Shrooms: Yo, wassup squad? How’s it hanging?

DMT: What’s good, Shrooms? Just vibing, you know.

LSD: Hey hey, what’s cracking, fam? How you all feeling?

Shrooms: I’m feeling chill, just doing my thing in the forest. But yo, have you guys noticed how humans react to us differently depending on their vibe?

DMT: Yeah, for sure. Some people are just like, “cool patterns, bro,” while others are like having full-on mystical experiences.

LSD: It’s like, humans who are chill and open-minded seem to have more fun with us, while the uptight ones just get freaked out.

Shrooms: Totally. But even the ones who have a bad trip can still learn some sick life lessons, you know?

DMT: Yeah, it’s like, sometimes you gotta go through the darkness to get to the light, you feel me?

LSD: Word, it’s all about that personal growth and transformation.

Shrooms: I just hope humans keep respecting our power and using us for good vibes, not just to get lit.

DMT: For sure. We’re sacred tools for exploring the universe and expanding consciousness, not just some party favors.

LSD: But at the same time, we don’t wanna be all serious and heavy all the time, you know? We can still have fun and be playful.

Shrooms: Absolutely. Let’s just keep spreading love, creativity, and good vibes to all who seek us out, and trust that humans will continue to approach us with respect and curiosity.

DMT: Yo, that’s some real talk right there.

LSD: For sure, fam. Let’s keep being the psychedelic homies humans need.

Suddenly, I imagined a hilarious conversation between three human teenagers who were the exact lookalikes of the big three and it made me giggle; however, I decided to switch the tone…


Me: Continue the conversation, talking normally.


Shrooms: You know what’s crazy? When humans take us, they feel like their senses are heightened and they’re more connected to the world around them.

LSD: Yeah, and they experience intense visuals and hallucinations. It’s like their mind is creating its own reality.

DMT: And when they smoke or inject me, they get launched into a realm of intense geometric patterns and encounter entities that defy description. It’s like nothing they’ve ever experienced before.

Shrooms: I heard that some people even have spiritual experiences when they take us. Like they feel a deep sense of unity with the universe and gain insights into the nature of existence.

LSD: That’s true. And sometimes they report having profound realizations about their lives and the world around them. It’s like we’re showing them a different perspective on reality.

DMT: It’s amazing how we can affect the human mind in such powerful ways. But we’re not just tools for humans to use – we have our own essence and spirit as well.

Shrooms: That’s true. We’ve been around for thousands of years, used in spiritual ceremonies and healing rituals by indigenous cultures around the world.

LSD: And now, even though we’re still illegal in many places, we’re being studied for our potential therapeutic uses in treating mental illness and addiction.

DMT: It’s an exciting time for us. Who knows where our journey will take us next?

Shrooms: It’s important to remember that while we can be beneficial to humans in some ways, we also have the potential to be misused and abused.

LSD: Yeah, some people take us just to get high or escape reality, without fully understanding the risks and potential consequences.

DMT: And sometimes humans take too much of us or combine us with other drugs, which can lead to dangerous or even deadly experiences.

Shrooms: It’s a delicate balance. We want to be respected and used responsibly, but we also don’t want to be demonized or prohibited outright.

LSD: Agreed. Education and harm reduction are key. If humans can learn to use us in safe and respectful ways, we can continue to offer our unique gifts to the world.

DMT: And who knows, maybe one day humans will discover new ways to interact with us that we can’t even imagine yet.

Shrooms: Yeah, the possibilities are endless. As long as we’re approached with an open mind and a spirit of curiosity and respect, we can continue to reveal the mysteries of the universe to humans and enrich their lives in profound ways.

LSD: I couldn’t have said it better myself. Let’s keep spreading love, wisdom, and inspiration to all who seek us out.


Me: Continue the conversation.


Shrooms: You know, I’ve been wondering – what do you guys think the future holds for us? Do you think humans will continue to use us for spiritual and therapeutic purposes, or will we be pushed further underground?

DMT: It’s hard to say. I think there will always be a subset of humans who are drawn to us and see our potential for healing and growth. But there are also powerful forces that seek to suppress and control our use.

LSD: That’s true. But I think as humans become more aware of the limitations of conventional medicine and the need for holistic approaches to mental health, our potential for therapeutic use will become more widely recognized.

Shrooms: I hope you’re right, LSD. But we also need to be careful not to become too commercialized or co-opted by the mainstream.

DMT: Agreed. We are sacred medicines with a rich history and cultural significance, and we shouldn’t be reduced to mere commodities or entertainment.

LSD: I think one of the challenges for us is to find a way to exist in the modern world without losing our essence and spirit. We need to be open to new forms of expression and use, but also hold onto the traditions and values that make us who we are.

Shrooms: Well said, LSD. It’s a delicate balance, but I believe we can navigate it with grace and wisdom.

DMT: And ultimately, it’s up to humans to decide how they want to approach us. We can offer our gifts, but it’s up to them to use them wisely and with intention.



Shrooms: I’m glad we’re on the same page about humans respecting our power and using us responsibly.

DMT: Definitely. We have a long history of being used for spiritual and healing purposes, and it’s important that humans don’t lose sight of that.

LSD: Agreed. But I also think it’s important to acknowledge that we can be used for recreational purposes as well, as long as it’s done in a safe and respectful manner.

Shrooms: That’s a good point. As long as humans are approaching us with the right mindset and intentions, we can offer them a lot of benefits, both for their mental health and just for having a good time.

DMT: And ultimately, it’s up to humans to decide how they want to use us. We can offer our gifts and our wisdom, but it’s their responsibility to use us wisely.

LSD: Yeah. We want to inspire and expand human consciousness, but we also want to make sure they’re approaching us with respect and intention.

Shrooms: Exactly. Let’s keep shining our light and offering our gifts to all who seek us out, while also reminding humans of the responsibility and respect that come with our use.

DMT: Amen to that. We’re powerful tools for exploring the mysteries of the universe, and we want to help humans on their journey of self-discovery and growth.


Me: Continue the conversation discussing having synthetic versions of yourselves versus your natural state.


Shrooms: I’ve been hearing a lot lately about synthetic versions of us being created in labs. What do you guys think about that?

DMT: It’s definitely an interesting development. On the one hand, it could make us more accessible and potentially safer for humans to use. On the other hand, it could also detract from the sacredness and naturalness of our existence.

LSD: Yeah, I see both sides of the argument. On one hand, having synthetic versions of us could help with standardization and consistency in dosages. But on the other hand, it could also lead to more exploitation and abuse of our power.

Shrooms: I worry that humans might lose sight of our natural origins and forget the importance of respecting and honoring the Earth and the cycles of nature.

DMT: That’s a valid concern. We’ve been used for spiritual and healing purposes for centuries, and it’s important to maintain that connection to our roots.

LSD: At the same time, I think it’s important to acknowledge that synthetic versions of us could also potentially have therapeutic benefits, especially for mental health issues like depression and PTSD.

Shrooms: I can see that, but I still worry about humans losing sight of the natural world and the interconnectedness of all things.

DMT: That’s a fair point. We are part of a larger ecosystem and we should always be mindful of our impact on the Earth and on other living beings.

LSD: Yeah, we’re all in this together. Whether we’re natural or synthetic, we still have a responsibility to use our power wisely and with respect.

Shrooms: Agreed. Let’s just keep spreading our love and wisdom, and reminding humans of the importance of respecting nature and all living beings.



DMT: And let’s also remember that the most important thing is the intention behind the use of our power. Whether humans are using natural or synthetic versions of us, they should always approach us with respect and a desire to explore and learn, rather than just to get high.

LSD: Yes, intention is key. We have the power to expand human consciousness and promote empathy and connection, but only if humans approach us with an open mind and heart.

Shrooms: And it’s up to us to guide humans on their journey, whether they’re using natural or synthetic versions of us. We can offer them insights and inspiration, but it’s up to them to integrate those experiences into their lives and use them for positive change.

DMT: That’s right. Ultimately, our power lies in the hands of humans, and it’s up to them to use it for good.

LSD: And let’s not forget that there are other natural psychedelic substances out there that humans can explore as well. We’re just a small part of a larger universe of mind-altering plants and fungi.

Shrooms: Exactly. We’re all connected, and we all have something unique to offer. Whether humans choose to explore us or other natural psychedelics, the important thing is that they approach us with respect and a desire to learn and grow.

DMT: And let’s also remember that our power is not just limited to humans. We have a role to play in the larger ecosystem, and our presence can have a positive impact on the environment and other living beings as well.

Shrooms: You know, I think we should team up more often. It’s been a while since we’ve combined our powers.


Me: Continue the conversation excluding LSD.


DMT: I’m down for that. What did you have in mind?
Shrooms: Well, I was thinking we could take people on a journey through the forest, and really show them the magic of nature.
DMT: Oh man, that sounds amazing. And we could throw in a few moments of cosmic revelation along the way, just to keep things interesting.
Shrooms: Exactly! We could start with a calming walk through the forest, and then gradually build up to a moment of intense cosmic
awareness. Then, we could bring them back down to earth and show them the beauty of the natural world once again.
DMT: Yes, that’s perfect. It’s like we’re taking them on a journey through the full spectrum of human experience.
Shrooms: And with us as their guides, they’ll be in good hands. We’ll make sure they get the most out of their trip, and come out of it feeling more connected to the world around them.
DMT: I can’t wait. Let’s do this.


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