A Doctor Explains Ibogaine: A Psychedelic Being Used to Heal Addictions

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In today’s episode, we talk with Dr. Erica Zelfand, a medical doctor and holistic practitioner with experience in administering ibogaine. Psychedelic Therapy is making waves in the mental health spaces, and ibogaine is one of the psychedelics with the most potential.

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In this episode, we learn what ibogaine is, how it is used, and how natural and synthetic ibogaine differ. We also learn how ibogaine can help with addiction, even though it is currently illegal in the United States. Finally, we learn how ibogaine interacts with brain chemistry.

Dr. Zelfand traveled to Mexico, where ibogaine is legal, to observe retreats where people used the substance to help treat depression, addiction, and more. Specifically, ibogaine appears to be useful for treating Opioid Use Disorder.

It is important to know that ibogaine does carry with it some health risks. Individuals need to make sure they have healthy liver and heart functions before engaging in its use.

We do not condone the use of ibogaine without the assistance of a licensed professional.

#Psychedelic #MentalHealth #Ibogaine


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