Berlin Has An LSD Shop Run By a Donald Trump Relative

There’s a shop in Berlin legally selling LSD that’s run by a guy who claims to be a distant relative of Donald Trump. 

Well, it’s actually an LSD analogue called 1CP-LSD labeled as a “research chemical” that Germany hasn’t banned yet. And the guy, Carl Philip Trump, claims his father comes from the same village as the former U.S. president’s family. 

Trump opened the small shop in March. When he has product in stock, there’s a sign out front that reads: “Wir Verkaufen LSD” which translates to “We Sell LSD.” Inside, he sells 1CP-LSD tabs in micro doses, mini doses, full doses, and extra doses. It’s no surprise the shop is generating a lot of interest from the public as well as the media. 

Trump says he started selling 1CP-LSD to give others access to the healing power of psychedelics so they can benefit from them the same way he has. He says he suffered from depression recently after losing both a girlfriend and a lot of money on a bitcoin investment. Antidepressants and therapy didn’t do much to quell his symptoms so he took a trip to the Netherlands and tried LSD. 

“LSD allowed me to put everything in perspective,” he tells Vice. “And I thought, ‘This is something I want to share.’ I wanted somewhere you could meet other people and talk about this extraordinary experience.” 

He found 1CP-LSD online, a chemical that converts into LSD after it’s consumed. Trump regularly bought the substance online and soon wondered if he could sell it legally himself. He met with a lawyer who provided him with documentation stating 1CP-LSD sales were legal—at least at that moment. In September 2020, Trump opened his online shop and telegram channel. 

Trump says Interest in his LSD product grew exponentially during COVID-19 the lockdown and by March he had earned enough money to open a brick-and-mortar shop. 

But the loophole that enables Trump to operate his business may close soon. Germany is expected to ban 1CP-LSD by month’s end. If that happens, Trump’s hoping his supplier in the Netherlands will develop an alternative that he can slip past regulators once again. His other plan is to take 1CP-LSD to countries where it is still legal, such as Russia and Poland. 

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