Differences Between Magic Truffles and Magic Mushrooms
Differences Between Magic Truffles and Magic Mushrooms
  • Magic truffles and magic mushrooms belong to the same family of fungi.
  • They grow in unfavorable conditions where mushroom growth wouldn’t be possible.
  • Both magic mushrooms and magic truffles contain psilocybin, which gives them psychedelic properties.

Unless you’ve been to a smart shop in the Netherlands or grow mushrooms at home, you’ve probably never heard of magic truffles before. While they sound like a niche psychedelic product, they are a great option that is slightly more accessible in certain European countries.

What Are Magic Truffles?

What are Magic truffles

Magic truffles and magic mushrooms are both part of the Psilocybe family. Still, only a handful of species can grow into truffles under the right conditions. The mycelial network produces truffles, or sclerotia, as a defense mechanism to survive cold winters or when the soil it’s growing in has scarce nutrients.

Instead of rising to the surface, these fungal spheres burrow underground, developing a slightly tougher skin to preserve what little nutrients they have.

Despite their harsh growing conditions, truffles also contain psilocybin like their fully-formed counterparts, only in smaller quantities. Further on, we’ll compare mushroom and truffle dosages to illustrate this difference in potency.

Mushrooms vs. Truffles Physical Differences

What are the differences between magic mushrooms and magic truffles

Magic mushrooms and magic truffles look nothing alike. While their name gives way to some confusion, truffles look more like spongy clumps of dirt instead of the delicious, fancy truffles you can enjoy in fine dining restaurants.

Psychedelic mushrooms look more similar to their culinary counterparts, with long white stems and wide, flat, or round caps, depending on their species.

  • Magic truffles are legal in the Netherlands due to a loophole and illegal almost everywhere else.
  • Since they are legal, Dutch smart shops can commercialize them, and they can be used in alternative therapies.
Magic Mushroom Smart Shop in Amsterdam

Psychedelic mushrooms are banned in most places of the world without making a distinction for magic truffles. However, a legal loophole in the Netherlands permits the sale of psychedelic truffles in licensed “smart shops,” where vendors can sell what Dutch law classifies as soft drugs.

This loophole has greatly contributed to the popularity of psychedelics, as tourists can legally “trip” during their trips to Holland. It has also led to the creation of psychedelic-assisted therapy centers and wellness retreats, which are innovative alternatives to mental health practices.

Magic truffles have remained legal in the country since the psychedelic mushrooms ban of 2008 due to their lower psilocybin content, which makes for more manageable trips.

Continue reading: Where Are Psilocybin Mushrooms Legal or Decriminalized Around the World?

Where Do Mushrooms and Truffles Grow?

  • Magic truffles grow underground during the winter or periods of extreme drought.
  • Magic mushrooms grow in nutrient-rich soil during warmer seasons.
  • Magic truffles are generally small and round, while mushrooms can take on many shapes and sizes.

While magic truffles and magic mushrooms are part of the Psilocybe family, they grow in very different conditions.

As previously mentioned, magic truffles or sclerotia thrive underground, shielded from harsh climates, and can develop with fewer nutrients. On the other hand, magic mushrooms rise to the surface, where their stems and caps can grow to different sizes.

This difference in growing conditions drastically changes their composition, size, and texture. Since most truffles are small and similarly sized, they have even concentrations of psilocybin. Magic mushrooms can come in all shapes and sizes, which will determine how much or how little psilocybin they contain.

Mushrooms Vs. Truffles – Which One Is More Potent?

Mushrooms Vs. Truffles – Which One Is More Potent?
  • Magic truffles have lower concentrations of psilocybin compared to magic mushrooms.
  • Since they contain the same compounds, you can get the same psychedelic experience from truffles if you increase the quantity you take.
  • Magic truffles are safe as long as you take some basic precautions regarding psychedelic use.
  • Beginners should stick to low doses and avoid ingesting more than 8 grams in one session.

Due to their lower psilocybin concentration, magic truffles produce subtler psychedelic effects unless you take them in large quantities. Their packaging is detailed and generally contains low doses to comply with legislation.

Trip Intensity

Since both shrooms and truffles contain psilocybin, they produce similar psychedelic experiences. However, you have to take large quantities of truffles to produce similar effects to those from a few grams of dried mushrooms.

This leads some people to believe that you can’t get effects similar to high or heroic shroom doses from truffles. It isn’t the case, but you’d have to stomach upwards of 10 grams of these chewy, unappealing fruiting bodies to get there.

Luckily, there are many ways to mask their flavor, including brewing them in a tea, taking a shot of lemon tek, or making psilocybin-infused chocolates.

Are Magic Truffles Safe?

Magic mushrooms and truffles are both safe for consumption and aren’t addictive, but you need to be well-informed before taking them.

Magic mushrooms and truffles are both safe for consumption and aren’t addictive, but you need to be well-informed before taking them. Although most psychedelic experiences are deeply rewarding, they can also be emotionally challenging.

Whenever you decide to embark on a psychedelic journey, you need to make sure you have the appropriate set and setting. Your set consists of your intentions for the trip and your mindset before it. Your setting refers to a familiar and safe physical space for the experience.

You should also try to block distractions by turning off your phone and staying away from daily responsibilities.

Most psychonauts recommend having a trip sitter to accompany you on your trip. They should be someone you trust and who will remain sober during the experience in order to give you emotional support if you need it.

Even if you have the appropriate set and setting, you should also figure out the appropriate dose to take. Ideally, it should be a lower dose if it’s your first time trying psychedelics.

For a deeper dive: How Much Shrooms Should a Beginner Take?

Shrooms vs. Magic Truffles Dosage Comparison

The following chart contains an approximated comparison of truffle and mushroom doses.

Dose Magic Truffles Dried Magic Mushrooms
Microdose 0.5 to 1.5 grams 0.1 to 0.5 grams
Low Dose 5 to 8.5 grams 0.5 to 1.5 grams
Moderate Dose 8.5 to 14 grams 2 to 3.5 grams
High Dose 14 to 20 grams 3.5 to 5 grams
Heroic Dose Upwards of 20 grams Upwards of 5 grams
Dried psilocybin mushrooms vs. truffles table

If you’re a beginner, you should start with a microdose if you want to see how this practice can make day-to-day life more pleasurable or a low dose for a subtle psychedelic experience.

If you enjoy it, you can gradually increase the dosage. If it becomes challenging, it’s easier to manage than a high dose.

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