In this episode of the Psychedelic Spotlight Podcast, our Director of Content catches up with Christi Myers, founder and director of Flow Wellness.
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“Psychedelics and plant-based medicines are powerful tools in the process of healing, particularly for the most marginalized folks living under empire, who are underserved, underrepresented and experience the highest rates of violence. Marginalized communities already have limited access to healing spaces, so I think t’s important for folks invested in justice work to center and prioritize what nontraditional forms of healing look like for these communities.”
MindMed 2021 Year-End Conference Call and Earnings: Big Updates for MNMD Stock
MindMed 2021 Year-End Conference Call and Earnings: Big Updates for MNMD Stock
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All Psychedelic Stock investors should take the time to listen to the conference calls of the companies they are investing in. That is doubly important for year-end calls, as often information is divulged on the direction of the company. If you are invested in MNMD or MMED stock, you need to listen to this call.
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Meet Kevin O’Leary, Rober Barrow, Daniel Carcillo and other psychedelic leaders @ the Benzinga Psychedelics Capital Conference.on April 19 @ Fontainebleau Hotel, Miami!
Interested in going to Malta for Plant Medicine Week April 5th-8th? Get discounted tickets here:
In this MindMed 2021 conference and earnings call, we gained important insights into the company’s many projects. These include: Project Lucy, which attempts to treat Anxiety using LSD; Project Angie, attempting to treat pain with LSD; Project Layla, attempting to treat addiction with 18-MC, and much more.
The company gives some updates on the science of psychedelics, as well as their hiring strategy and financial updates. MindMed is a company working on treating mental health conditions with psychedelics. They are a leading player in the shroom boom, and they aim to commercialize psychedelics as medicines.
Some of the questions MindMed is trying to answer are:
Can Psychedelics treat Mental Health conditions?
Can Psychedelics treat depression?
Can Psychedelics treat anxiety?
Can Psychedelics treat ADHD?
Can Psychedelics help with Autism?
Can Psychedelics help treat pain?
#MindMed #MNMD #MindMedStocks
Is it TOO LATE to buy MindMed? [MMEDF] 🍄
MindMed (MMEDF/MMED) stock EXPLODED in the past week which raises the question: Is it too late to BUY MindMed stock? Watch the video as I provide my insight on some factors you might want to consider. 💯
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DISCLAIMER: I am not a financial adviser nor a CPA. These videos are for educational and entertainment purposes only. Investing of any kind involves risk. While it is possible to minimize risk, your investments are solely your responsibility. It is imperative that you conduct your own research. I am merely sharing my opinion with no guarantee of gains or losses on investments.