Psychedelic Spotlight News

Why Do Magic Mushrooms Bruise Blue? Mystery Solved

Why Do Magic Mushrooms Bruise Blue? Mystery Solved

The blue coloration of magic mushrooms is a chemical reaction triggered by damage or stress. This process, similar to how an apple turns brown when cut, is due to the oxidation of psilocybin, the psychoactive compound in these mushrooms.

The Biggest Psychedelic News This Week: November 27th – December 1st

The Biggest Psychedelic News This Week: November 27th – December 1st

The evidence pile for psilocybin’s efficacy in treating depression is growing with new data demonstrating 79% remission rates after two doses. Meanwhile, early trials hint at MEAI’s efficacy in treating obesity, ketamine studies suggest a single dose is effective in treating anxiety and discussions arise about psychedelic use and its capacity to birth new environmentalists.

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