55 year old TV producer stops vaping after microdosing and starts Cultivating Wisdom
55 year old TV producer stops vaping after microdosing and starts Cultivating Wisdom

Vaping, for many, has become an accepted and preferred way to consume their nicotine or cannabis, but after  microdosing psilocybin, 55-year-old TV producer Cesar recognized that there had to be a more elevated experience. On his quest to break the stigma towards microdosing, he decided that the best way to do this was through Cultivating Wisdom – a clothing brand and educational website inspiring curiosity around the topic of microdosing, spiritual exploration and education.

Cesar discusses his journey towards cultivating wisdom, highlighting several key moments of self realization he experienced along the way. By developing a heightened sense of awareness and connection with Nature – both internally and externally – read on as Cesar tells the story of how he went from a vaping addict to microdosing wisdom cultivator.

Transforming Your Life After 50 Through Microdosing with Cesar Marin

Adulthood often comes with its myriad of vices, but vaping wasn’t Cesar’s only addiction. At the age of 55, Cesar was struggling with vaping, a cannabis habit, escapism, and genuinely hitting an existential Crisis. After 23 years of producing Sports and Español content, the CNN producer had come to a crossroads. TV defined his life, but after a series of layoffs which he was a part of, he had to figure out his next chapter. So how does a CNN producer quit vaping, start over and find fulfilment at 55?

Cultivating Wisdom - Microdosing brand
Cultivating Wisdom – Microdosing brand

There’s no denying that Cesar wanted this next chapter to be profound, and in his own words, “ I wanted to find my authentic self, I wanted to find that childhood curiosity.” Somehow that profound shift would come in the form of mushrooms. Magic Mushrooms to be precise! 

Goodbye CNN. Hello Cultivating Wisdom!

Cesar’s journey begins with a video recording the day before he started a microdosing protocol. His voice is shaky; his spirit doesn’t radiate at a high vibration; he’s unshaven and a tad dishevelled, and, well, he just looks sad! In this touching video, we can clearly see a man who is brave but also struggling to hold together what looks like the fragments of life coming apart at the seams. 

In the video, which you can watch below, Cesar states that he wanted to try magic mushrooms because he wants to find out who he really is, because he tends to lose himself. I think many of us can relate to that sentiment. He also states that he wants to quit-the-vape! Is that even possible?

Quitting vaping and starting over after 50.
Quitting vaping and starting over after 50.

Starting Over after 50

At 50, you’re at a point in your life where you start to reflect on the decisions you’ve made. It’s natural to feel uncertain or overwhelmed by the thought of starting over. But microdosing psychedelics is one way to help you find a new direction and clarity of mind. Microdosing refers to taking tiny doses of a psychedelic substance like psilocybin or LSD, in order to experience the subtle effects without any of the strong visuals usually associated with a trip.

These microdoses can provide an energizing boost of motivation and creativity, which is particularly beneficial for those looking to make changes or starting over after 50. With microdosing, you can take advantage of the healing properties of psychedelics without having to worry about any sort of intense, psychedelic experience. It’s a great way to explore a new area of self-care and potentially find a source of inspiration for making positive changes in your life. This is exactly what Cesar has done, and continues to do. 

Since the filming of that video, Cesar has quit vaping and he’s on a mission to spread the knowledge taught to him through these profound little fungi friends!  “My life was transformed after my first psychedelic experience at the age of 55. In less than two months I went from having a corporate six-figure job, to being the founder and owner of a lifestyle and apparel brand dedicated to people who want to manifest that Microdosing psilocybin has changed their lives.”

“I also want to be a voice for the possibilities of change and transformation for people over the age of 50. At this age many are entering a chapter in their lives filled with sadness, shame and

guilt for what happened in the past, or fear, anxiety and uncertainty of what’s to come.”

Diversity Amongst Microdosers 

Cesar is a refreshing voice and face in the psychedelics community. I am excited he’s here to bring a new tone to our growing choir. Cesar Marin is Hispanic American and infectiously joyful about his heritage; he represents a cultural background we’re lacking regarding leadership in this space. The industry needs to do more to ensure that microdosing and psychedelics are accessible to all. It’s not enough for us to simply open up the conversation about microdosing – we need to make sure that it is available to everyone, regardless of race or gender.

By advocating for diversity and inclusion in the microdosing space, we can ensure that BIPOC voices are heard and seen when it comes to psychedelics in general.  The industry is taking steps towards creating inclusion from a professional lens, but Cesar is also showing the world diversity from a potential consumer lens as well.   It is time for more diversity in the psychedelics sector and Cesar brings it with style!  

As a Hispanic American, the lack of diverse thought leaders in the psychedelic space is concerning. There are very few Hispanic voices, and an unequal number of female voices, African-American voices, as well as Indigenous voices.  I hope to be able to ‘bridge the divide which exists because news of the latest advancements in psychedelic medicine should be available to everyone.” 

What’s Next For This EX-CNN Producer?

In a fun and candid podcast, I dive a little bit deeper into Cesar’s vision and story! Starting over after 50 sounds exciting! We talk about his first macrodose, the importance of ritual, and overcoming fears at the age of 55! Cesar talks about the importance of following a proper protocol if you want to experience the full benefits of microdosing, and shares the protocol he uses.  He also touches on how he was able to achieve healthier habits through the work of integration.  

We also talk about the road ahead for Cultivating Wisdom, and by the sounds of it, Cesar has a packed schedule! From speaking opportunities and running an apparel brand to representing diversity at psychedelic conferences over the next few months, I expect to see Cesar in full form and cool glasses. 

In the growing trend of psychedelics, the practice of microdosing is generally seen as a young person’s pursuit. Clearly, it’s not! There is no age limit when it comes to plant medicine.

I love Cesar’s open-book story because it tells us that there’s a lot of solo work we can do after 50! If we’re open, we can still learn, grow and achieve greater fulfillment and purpose. If we want to go deeper, nature is there to assist! So if you’re looking for an unconventional way of starting over after 50, microdosing psychedelics could be the perfect option for you.

If you want to join Cesar’s army of  mush-love, head on over to Cutlivatingwisdom.net

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