psychedelic experience

How Psychedelics Changed My Relationship With Myself

How Psychedelics Changed My Relationship With Myself

This experience fueled a complete shift and caused me to change my thoughts, my habits, and my life. I am very fortunate to have had my awakening and already find myself in a loving marriage and a career I consider part of my life’s purpose.

Journeying Beyond the Self: Timothy Leary’s 5 Levels of Psychedelic Experience

Journeying Beyond the Self: Timothy Leary’s 5 Levels of Psychedelic Experience

The psychedelic experience can be downright tantalizing for the unprepared folk. While most trips can lead to profound feelings of interconnectedness and life-changing introspective or philosophical insights, without preparation, some people may increase their chances of a tantalizing bad trip.
One way to reduce the possibility of a challenging trip is to get an introduction of Timothy Leary’s five levels of the psychedelic experience.

Is ‘The Trip’ Essential to The Psychedelic Experience?

Is ‘The Trip’ Essential to The Psychedelic Experience?

Biology and experience are tough to separate, but some researchers are exploring the possibility of non-hallucinogenic psychedelics as a mental health treatment. This begs the question: what do we lose, and what do we gain when we take the trip out of the psychedelic experience?

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