What Is Vibroacoustics and How Does It Regulate the Nervous System? 
What Is Vibroacoustics and How Does It Regulate the Nervous System? 

Are you longing for a way to regulate your nervous system? Are you searching for an overlooked approach that is well-known by practitioners in the field of health, wellness and self-care but often bypassed by medical professionals and patients seeking relief from chronic stress, anxiety and associated disorders? If so, inHarmony vibroacoustics regulate the nervous system and make you feel amazing; it may be just what you are looking for! 

Vibroacoustics is trending as a somewhat new method of calming the overactive sympathetic nervous system (SNS) and supporting the desired para-sympathetic response. Vibroacoustic therapy has been used with growing success to help individuals suffering from empathetic distress syndrome (at times called PANS/PANDAS), autism spectrum disorder, and inflammatory conditions such as Lyme disease and Fibromyalgia!


It’s time we bring this transformative modality into focus.  If you have yet to discover its hidden gems – prepare yourself to become an advocate of this steady rising star, I sure did!

May I introduce you to inHarmony Interactive!?  One of my favorite vibroacoustic brands on the market. I was lucky enough to receive one of their meditation cushions, and boy is it a powerful tool for re-calibrating the nervous system and accessing a sense of calm. 

sounds and vibrations - Vibroacoustics

What Is Vibroacoustics and How Does It Regulate the Nervous System? 

Foundational to its use is the concept that everything is vibration. It is based on the idea that everything in the world, even things you can touch, like rocks and chairs, are made of vibrations or frequencies, and those vibrations affect us in all kinds of ways! Some vibrations we can hear, others we can’t hear, but we can feel! (Think sub-bass!) for example, musicians say 20 to 80 Hz are the low end of sound that people can often feel but not always hear. 

If you’re into wellness modalities, you’ve probably heard about specific frequencies that have positive impacts on our minds and bodies, such as:

  • 40 Hz are linked to a type of vibration called gamma brain waves. They can help us feel calmer and more relaxed but are also considered to greatly improve concentration
  • 285 Hz is a type of Solfeggio vibration that can help your body regenerate cells. This vibration can help make you feel healthier and is considered the sleepy-time vibe
  • 538 Hz is considered a miracle tone because it can help reduce stress levels and increase a sense of inner peace and well-being. More emotional balance and a renewed feeling of harmony and self-love

There are dozens of different healing frequencies I could dive into, but for now, I want to focus on the technology that is utilizing these frequencies and creating multi-dimensional meditative experiences with them. 

Now imagine pairing the concept of hearing these vibrations with feeling them at the same time.  When it comes to Vibroacoustics, solfeggio frequencies and binaural beats are put together into soundscapes for therapeutic purposes and to regulate the nervous system.

In a recent interview with Craig Goldberg of inHarmony Interactive he mentioned ” It’s an auditory and physical experience. To get technical, the mechanoreceptors in your skin are sending the same signals to the brain as your auditory nerve in the cochlea as they’re hearing the music. And the brain kind of makes this assumption that you are inside the music and it drifts into a relaxed state while it’s listening to and feeling the same frequencies and those same electrical inputs at the same.”

 “So we use a specific piece of technology called a tactile transducer.  We’ve been making this transducer for six plus years.  We couple that in this case with the cushion and pair with a set of headphones, which are hardwired to the back amplifier. The science and the magic is twofold. It’s first in the actual vibratory experience. We’re actually shaking at a specific frequency every single cell in your body. The magic starts to happen when you couple that with the ears listening to the same frequencies at the same time, and this creates A 3 dimensional, fully immersive experience.”


Regulate The Nervous System - InHarmony - Vibroacoustics

A Quick Overview Of Sympathetic and Parasympathetic States

What’s all this about the parasympathetic state? The sympathetic and parasympathetic states are two sides of the same coin. The sympathetic nervous system is responsible for activating our fight or flight response, which usually results in a sudden rise in adrenaline and other hormones such as cortisol and epinephrine. This state is characterized by an increase in heart rate, respiration and blood pressure, as well as increased mental alertness and physical arousal. 

On the other hand, when we experience feelings of calmness, peace or relaxation, the parasympathetic nervous system is activated. This system is also known as the “rest and digest” response because it works to restore homeostasis in the body by slowing down heart rate, respiration and blood pressure while activating digestive processes. It helps to reduce stress levels while promoting improved mental clarity and physical relaxation. These two systems work together to help regulate our overall health by providing us with balanced reactions when faced with different stressors or challenges.

If we’re not conscious of regulating our nervous systems, we get sick. That’s the bottom line. If we’re walking around with our shoulders touching our ears from stress and anxiety all the time, if we’re feeling short-fused, burnt out, and over-sensitive, chances are our nervous system is in dire need of a recalibration. That is why mindfulness practices like meditation, breathwork, prayer, and yoga are so popular and essential!

I’ve been looking for tools and ways to help me achieve a calm parasympathetic state.  Vibroacoustics and, more specifically, the inHarmony Interactive meditation cushion and the therapeutic frequencies it utilizes have been a tremendous help in calming me down and getting back into balance.

When chatting in a recent podcast with Craig from inHarmony he mentioned ” There is an intensity this tech brings in terms of additional physical benefits that you wouldn’t otherwise find in say, just listening to headphones or just listening to music through a small speaker. All of a sudden now you’re increasing lymphatic drainage, which helps with the detox pathways in the body. You’re literally sending a message to every muscle in your body telling it to relax. The vibration kind of ushers you into a relaxed state.”

For Those Who Find It Hard to Meditate, InHarmony Interactive Could Be Your Answer!

Craig mentioned ” We serve 2 main markets in the meditation world. The first is folks like you and me, Sacha, that have trouble or challenges meditating, to turn off the monkey mind, to turn off the To Do List. The reason for that is because you’re focused on what you need to get done. You’re an A type personality or go getter. For folks like you and I, the sound and the vibration guides you into a deeper meditative state, it’s practically involuntary. You can’t interrupt it. You can override it, but generally speaking, you drift into that relaxed state, and you do so very quickly. As soon as the music starts playing, as soon as the brain starts to recognize that it’s feeling the same frequencies as it is hearing, it begins to almost give up. It just kind of relaxes.



Psychedelic Therapy Breakthroughs Utilizing Vibroacoustics

If you’ve read this far, you’re getting the idea. You now understand the importance of frequencies and vibrations when inducing a parasympathetic state. So now, imagine being in this state when undergoing a psychedelic therapeutic experience. It’s ideal. Not just because it’s a good idea to feel calm going into a psychedelic experience but because new neural pathways are more easily written when we are receptive to information coming into our brains. 

Parasympathetic states + Psychedelic therapies such as psilocybin potentiate greater neuroplasticity and therefore better outcomes. 

inHarmony Interactive has been finding its way into several ketamine clinic treatment centers. Some exciting data shows the tech pairs well with Ketamine therapy. 

I asked Craig what kind of feedback inHarmony received from clinics. 

Craig stated there is an  “increased efficacy, right. So we’re using PQQ and various question and verbal studies that are being done after questionnaires that are being utilized afterwards particularly in our ketamine clinics. What we’re seeing is ​​ Typically by itself with the right set in setting is about 70% efficacy.” 

“When you layer in our meditation cushions just in post integration, they’re seeing a 15 to 20% increase in its efficacy. So 85 to 90% of the people that are taking their outbound questionnaire and survey, we’re talking about a complete reduction, almost erasure of the symptoms associated with treatment resistant PTSD, treatment resistant, anxiety, treatment resistant depression.”

Main Takeaways 

Vibroacoutics is used to calm the overactive sympathetic nervous system and reduce/eliminate symptoms originating in sensory integration dysfunction and more. It evokes a calibrating sense of bliss quickly!  

The sympathetic and parasympathetic states are two sides of the same coin – regulating both is important for overall health; if you don’t regulate this system, you get sick! 

Last but not least,  psychedelic therapy combined with vibroacoutics produces promising results, with increased efficacy of up to 90%.

If you want to get your hands on one of these meditation cushions, I highly recommend joining our contest giveaway! Head on over to our Instagram page and follow the instructions; you have until March 27th! 

If you’d like to watch the full interview with Craig, head on over here.

Activate Altered States Faster with Vibroacoustics – with Craig Goldberg

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