GOP lawmaker files bill to legalize psychedelics in New Hampshire
GOP lawmaker files bill to legalize psychedelics in New Hampshire

The Granite State is exploding with progressive energy as a Republican lawmaker Rep. Kevin Verville (R) has filed a bill to legalize psychedelics in New Hampshire. Yes, you read that right — a GOP support of psychedelic legalization in the Northeast. Let’s take a deep dive into what this proposed bill means.

Bill HB 328 which was introduced on January 5th would:

  • Legalize “possession and use of lysergic acid diethylamide (LSD), mescaline, psilocybin, and peyote for persons 21 years of age and older”;
  • Reduce the punishments for people below 21 who manufacture or possess LSD;
  • Amend criminal penalties for manufacturing, selling or possessing with intent to distribute LSD and PCP.


Image Source: Bill Track50 - NH HB328 An act legalizing certain controlled substances for persons 21 years of age or older.
Image Source: Bill Track50 – NH HB328


According to the document methodology, there is no way to gauge precisely how the changes in this bill will influence criminal charges and its financial implication on expenditures. “However, the entities impacted have provided the potential costs associated with these penalties.” You can find the potential costs here.

Marijuana Moment reported that although this legislation does not include a distinct list of psychedelics that would be allowed for adults, the definition of “hallucinogenic drug” according to state law encompasses any psychodysleptic substance “which assert a confusional or disorganizing effect upon mental processes or behavior and mimic acute psychotic disturbances.”

HB 328 will soon be evaluated by the Criminal Justice and Public Safety Committee, with a deadline of March 16th. If all goes according to plan, this measure could become law in the near future.

Last year, New Hampshire filed a bill that proposed the decriminalization of possessing up to 12 grams of psilocybin by adults 18 years and older. However the proposal failed to pass in legislation.

As the enthusiasm for ending the criminalization of natural plants and fungi continues to grow, more than a dozen states are actively pursuing legislation for psychedelic reform.

The introduction of this new bill is indicative that 2023 will be a pivotal year for psychedelics reform, mostly due to the advancement achieved by decriminalization movements throughout America and citizens voting in favor of psilocybin therapy in Oregon.

Colorado has made a remarkable achievement by becoming the second state to decriminalize psychedelics and legalize psilocybin therapy, demonstrating that substantial transformation can be accomplished when we focus on our local governments.

In January, New York legislators brought forward a bill that will legalize certain natural psychedelics – showing their determination and commitment to the cause. This proposal seeks to legalize some natural hallucinogens, such as DMT, ibogaine, mescaline, psilocybin and psilocyn – by reclassifying them and removing their status as forbidden substances.

This incredible advancement was largely made possible by tireless and courageous activists who have fought for drug reform throughout our nation. With these developments, it looks like psychedelic use may soon become more socially acceptable than ever before.

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