
Mendeleyev: Music, Magic, Mushrooms

Mendeleyev: Music, Magic, Mushrooms

In the realm where music meets the mystical, few artists embody the fusion of psychedelic exploration and sonic innovation like Mendeleyev.

Addressing Tetany aka Hand Cramps During a Psychedelic Experience: Causes, Symptoms, Treatment

Addressing Tetany aka Hand Cramps During a Psychedelic Experience: Causes, Symptoms, Treatment

In the event you begin experiencing signs of tetany during a trip and a simple bottle of water isn’t sufficient to reduce symptoms, you should consider:eplenishing your electrolytes right away: The easiest, although not the healthiest solution, will be a bottle or two of Gatorade. However, in the event you have forgotten to bring your electrolytes, you can opt for adding ¼ tbsp salt and 1-2 tbsp of honey in a cup of water, coconut water and lemon juice. 

Staying calm: Anxiety will only worsen the symptoms. Consider breathing exercises and changing your setting.

Massaging and stretching your extremities: This will help with blood circulation.

Asking your trip sitter to check your heart rate: Most psychedelic retreats have an ENT on stand-by who can diagnose the need for medical assistance. Oftentimes, it is not necessary if you’re able to replenish your electrolyte levels.

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