
Mendeleyev: Music, Magic, Mushrooms

Mendeleyev: Music, Magic, Mushrooms

In the realm where music meets the mystical, few artists embody the fusion of psychedelic exploration and sonic innovation like Mendeleyev.

Addressing Tetany aka Hand Cramps During a Psychedelic Experience: Causes, Symptoms, Treatment

Addressing Tetany aka Hand Cramps During a Psychedelic Experience: Causes, Symptoms, Treatment

In the event you begin experiencing signs of tetany during a trip and a simple bottle of water isn’t sufficient to reduce symptoms, you should consider:eplenishing your electrolytes right away: The easiest, although not the healthiest solution, will be a bottle or two of Gatorade. However, in the event you have forgotten to bring your electrolytes, you can opt for adding ¼ tbsp salt and 1-2 tbsp of honey in a cup of water, coconut water and lemon juice. 

Staying calm: Anxiety will only worsen the symptoms. Consider breathing exercises and changing your setting.

Massaging and stretching your extremities: This will help with blood circulation.

Asking your trip sitter to check your heart rate: Most psychedelic retreats have an ENT on stand-by who can diagnose the need for medical assistance. Oftentimes, it is not necessary if you’re able to replenish your electrolyte levels.

Massachusetts Advocates Aim to Substitute Psychedelic Ballot Measure, Expose Voter Manipulation by D.C. PAC

Massachusetts Advocates Aim to Substitute Psychedelic Ballot Measure, Expose Voter Manipulation by D.C. PAC

“The PAC behind this ballot question rigged the rules for psychedelic services in Oregon, where people are now charged around $3,500 for a gram of psilocybin mushrooms that normally costs $10. We will not let this entity corner life-saving treatments in our Commonwealth,” remarked James Davis, Bay Staters for Natural Medicine Cofounder and a former staffer for the Massachusetts legislature’s Joint Committee on Cannabis Policy.

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