Psychedelic News Sept 25th

Welcome to this week’s Psychedelic News Roundup, where the world of mind-expanding medicine meets today’s headlines. From the Golden State to the coast of Maine, legislators are making waves in the field of psychedelic policy. First up, all eyes are on Governor Newsom as he’s thrust into the limelight of California’s Bill 58 debate. Over in the scientific sphere, breakthrough findings emerge as researchers reveal the unprecedented results of mixing SSRIs with DMT in treating depression. Meanwhile, Decriminalize Maine is gearing up for a transformative march, with some crucial dates ahead for those backing the psychedelic proposal. Lastly, we journey south to explore Brazil’s evolving stance and budding acceptance of these potent medicines. Ready for a deep dive into the latest psychedelic developments? Let’s get to it!

Psychedelic News Spotlight: All Eyes on Governor Newsom Amid Ongoing Debate Over California’s Bill 58

Psychedelic News September 25th

The ongoing discourse surrounding Bill 58 has intensified this week. California’s Governor Gavin Newsom recognizes the potential of psychedelics in addressing certain mental health concerns. Yet, in a recent dialogue with Politico, his views on the bill seemed mixed.

Governor Newsom remarked that having four young children has made him view issues from a different lens, a departure from his earlier advocacy days where he fervently supported marijuana legalization and other drug reform policies, such as endorsing harm-reduction strategies like needle exchange programs.

This caution is also echoed by County Sheriff Mike Boudreaux, as per his interview with Fox 40 News. He warns that plant-based drugs might serve as initial gateways for school-aged children, possibly leading to harder narcotics and grave outcomes. In a similar vein, Frank Lee of the California Coalition Against Drugs believes that allowing psychedelics could jeopardize the safety of all Californians.

While Bill 58 seeks to decriminalize personal use and cultivation of certain psychedelics, it has encountered roadblocks in the Assembly despite previously passing the Senate.

As all eyes are on the developments of Bill 58, the anticipation grows. Everyone is keenly awaiting to see if Governor Newsom will veto the bill or allow its progression.

Decriminalize Maine’s March to Change: Key Dates Ahead for Psychedelic Proposal

Psychedelic News Portland

In recent psychedelic news, a committee from Portland, Maine’s City Council progressed a proposal that supporters believe would soften the legal stance on certain psychedelic plants and fungi. Anticipated to reach a full council evaluation by mid-October, this development has caught attention.

The Health and Human Services and Public Safety Committee gave their nod to this initiative with a unanimous 3–0 vote this past Tuesday. Additionally, they modified the proposal to allow for the personal cultivation and non-commercial exchange of these natural entheogens. Still, legal repercussions persist for activities such as sales, distribution, possession on school premises, or driving while influenced by these substances.

Certain plants and fungi that contain substances like psilocybin, psilocyn, ibogaine, mescaline (excluding peyote due to its ecological vulnerability and its importance to Indigenous cultures), and DM would be somewhat decriminalized if approved. While these substances would still be illegal under state law, the initiative urges Portland city entities to refrain from using city resources for their investigation and prosecution, effectively deprioritizing their enforcement.

In a recent social media update, Decriminalize Maine expressed,

“We’ve taken a significant stride, but our journey isn’t complete. The proposal requires an initial reading at an upcoming city council meeting slated for October 2nd. Subsequently, a thorough discussion and public commentary will take place in a second council session, with a vote anticipated on October 16th.”

For continuous updates and progress reports, consider joining their Facebook group

Synergistic Success: The Unprecedented Results of Combining SSRIs with DMT in Depression Treatment

Psychedelic News Small Pharma

Another breakthrough update for this week’s Psychedelic News roundup centered on scientific progress: The therapeutic capacities of age-old psychedelics like psilocybin, MDMA, LSD, and DMT garner significant interest. While a segment champions their potential advantages over conventional SSRIs for mental health treatments, there’s also a wary group apprehensive about potential risks and contraindications when blending these substances. In the midst of these discussions, the idea of using these treatments collaboratively to amplify their effectiveness against depression is gaining traction. Intriguingly, a recent study highlighted by Small Pharma that, within a month, every patient administered with a mix of SSRIs and DMT exhibited total responsiveness, marking a staggering 100% success ratio. Furthermore, an impressive 92% reported a complete recovery from depressive symptoms.

Get the full details in our article here.

Psychedelic Potential: Brazil’s Budding Acceptance of Mind-Expanding Medicine

Psychedelic News Brazil

Psychedelic News flashes across the global stage: Brazil is buzzing about the potential of psychedelic treatments!” While the nation remains divided on this groundbreaking frontier, a majority of Brazilians could be swayed to consider these remedies with the endorsement of a reputable physician.

This intriguing insight originates from a recent survey by Datafolha, which sampled opinions from 2,016 individuals aged 16 and above, spanning 139 municipalities on September 12th and 13th. The findings are captivating, with a margin of error hovering around two percentage points: A significant 36% would “definitely” embrace treatment with psychedelics, while an additional 16% might be open to the idea if backed by a trusted doctor’s advice. On the other hand, a strong 43% stood firm in their stance against such treatments.

Get the scoop here!

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