The Twists and Turns of Mixing Psychedelics
The Twists and Turns of Mixing Psychedelics

The world of psychedelics offers many experiences and altered states of consciousness. Two popular methods of combining psychedelics are candy flipping and hippie flipping. Both involve mixing two well-known substances, resulting in unique experiences that differ from taking each substance independently. In this post, we’ll briefly introduce candy flipping (MDMA and LSD) and hippie flipping (MDMA and mushrooms) before diving into what to expect when mixing psychedelics, safety considerations, and how these combinations can create different experiences.


A Brief Introduction to Candy Flipping and Hippie Flipping

Candy flipping refers to taking MDMA (ecstasy or molly) and LSD (acid) simultaneously or within a short time frame. The origin of candy flipping became popularized in the 1980s rave scene. It creates a unique psychedelic experience characterized by the synergy of LSD’s visuals and introspection with the euphoria and empathy of MDMA. Hippie flipping, on the other hand, involves the combination of MDMA and psilocybin mushrooms. Like candy flipping, this mix is known for its unique and often intensified experience, blending the empathetic and euphoric aspects of MDMA with the introspective and mystical qualities of psilocybin.

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What to Expect When Mixing Psychedelics

The Twists and Turns of Mixing Psychedelics

When combining substances like MDMA with either LSD or psilocybin, users often report enhanced effects and a more intense experience than taking each drug separately. Although individual experiences can vary, some common effects of both candy flipping and hippie flipping

1. Enhanced visuals: The combination of substances can amplify the visual aspects of the psychedelic experience, resulting in more vivid colors, intricate patterns, and intense hallucinations. These experiences can last for a longer duration and extreme intensity.

2. Increased emotional bonding: Mixing MDMA with LSD or psilocybin can lead to a heightened sense of empathy and connection with others, often facilitating deep conversations and emotional openness. The mixture of both psychedelics amplifies the beauty in both substances, which can create an extreme significance of emotional connection.

3. Heightened spirituality: Many users report an intensified feeling of oneness with the universe or a greater spiritual awareness during these combined experiences. It’s possible to achieve ego death under a heavy dose of psychedelic drugs, especially when mixing two substances simultaneously.

Safety Considerations When Combining Psychedelics

As with any substance use, it's essential to prioritize safety when experimenting with candy-flipping or hippie-flipping. To minimize potential risks and ensure a positive experience, consider the following safety guidelines:

1. Research and understand each substance: Familiarize yourself with each drug's effects, the duration of each trip, and potential side effects. With proper education, you can obtain a foundation of knowledge that is necessary to make a conscious decision to mix psychedelics.

2. Test your substances: Use a drug testing kit to confirm the purity and identity of your substances to avoid potential harm from contaminants or misidentified drugs. Taking two substances simultaneously doubles your chances of taking laced drugs — better to be safe than sorry!

3. Start with a low dose: When combining substances, starting with a lower dose than you would typically take of each substance individually is crucial, as the combination can amplify their effects. Microdosing is a way to experience the psychedelic drug of choice with controllable effects on the mind and body.  Experiencing each psychedelic on its own, low dose, is essential for a good trip for cross-dosing for the first time.

4. Set and setting: Ensure you are in a comfortable environment with trusted friends or a trip sitter who can provide support. Set and setting is a crucial step in preparing for any trip. What is your intention with the trip, what are you going to do, and where are you going to be? These are important questions to ask yourself.

5. Stay hydrated: MDMA can cause dehydration, so drink water regularly throughout the experience, but avoid overhydration. Have a water bottle on hand, or have your trip sitter take care of your hydration needs.

6. Listen to your body: If you feel unwell or uncomfortable at any point, seek help from a friend or medical professional. Don't be afraid to speak your mind! You hold the experience in your being. If you feel something is off, that’s a good indicator that something might be wrong.
Mixing psychedelics, such as candy flipping and hippie flipping, can offer unique and intensified experiences that differ from taking each substance individually.

These combinations can result in amazing experiences, different than taking one substance alone. However, the risks associated with combining substances should not be overlooked. It’s crucial to prioritize safety by taking precautions. As the scientific community continues to explore the potential of psychedelics for mental health treatment and personal growth, it’s essential to prioritize responsible and informed use. More
comprehensive studies are needed to fully understand the potential risks, benefits, and therapeutic applications of mixing psychedelics like MDMA with LSD or psilocybin. A deeper understanding of these combinations can help users make informed decisions, mitigate potential risks, and pave the way for further exploration in both therapeutic and recreational contexts.

By fostering open conversations about psychedelic experiences and advocating for responsible use, we can contribute to a safer, more informed community of psychonauts. As we continue to learn more about the twists and turns of mixing psychedelics, staying updated on the latest research and prioritizing safety is crucial, ensuring that psychedelic education develops upon respect and care for the community.

Disclaimer:  Psychedelic Spotlight does not condone the use of illegal substances. The purpose of this article is for educational and harm reduction purposes only. If you suffer from a medical or mental condition, please consult with your doctor before taking any substance.

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