
TREAT California Withdraws 2024 Ballot Initiative Efforts, Redirects Focus to TREAT Humanity
TREAT California, a citizen-driven ballot initiative to fund research and access for psychedelic medicines to treat mental health, is withdrawing...
While unprecedented positive results provide further proof of psilocybin's anti-depressive effects, other studies investigate the long-term adverse effects of challenging...
Eureka, California Becomes The 5th City In California To Decriminalize Psychedelics...
After passing through the California Assembly and Senate, Governor Gavin Newsom refuses to sign psychedelic decriminalization bill into law....
Psychedelic news: PTSD treatments, Esketamine's efficacy, Eureka's decrim, and PsyCan's proposal. Stay informed on the latest updates....
If and when the federal government reschedules psilocybin, MDMA or other illegal psychedelics—or if they're approved by the FDA for...
“Drug policy in the United States and the so-called “War on Drugs” has historically led to unnecessary penalization, arrest, and...
Psychedelic News: California's Bill 58 updates, SSRIs and DMT for depression, Maine's pivotal moments, and Brazil's opinions on psychedelics....
Advocates have raised concerns about ballot measures filed in Massachusetts by a Washington-D.C. based super PAC, "New Approaches," that would...
California stands on the cusp of a psychedelic revolution with the TREAT Act and a landmark bill on 'magic mushrooms,'...