Alli Schaper’s story has an all-too-familiar beginning. Though she now is a founder and leader in top wellness-focused companies and nonprofits such as Multiverse, SuperMush and the Microdosing Collective, Alli has struggled with persistent mental and physical health problems. Despite seeing “all the doctors” and receiving “all the pills,” it seemed that Western medicine was incapable of helping her.

So, how did Alli get better? Speaking with Psychedelic Spotlight’s Swati Sharma, she said, “It’s a long story and a short story. The short story is that mushrooms have completely changed my life, both functional and psychedelic.”

Alli Schaper of the Microdosing Collective
Alli Schaper of the Microdosing Collective

The longer version is no less fascinating. While working on creating her last company, Alli’s colleagues introduced her to functional mushrooms; regular, non-hallucinogenic, edible mushrooms. She started a routine and in her own words, “they totally changed my health. Everything from energy levels, to skin to vitality. I just felt more alive, and it was profound. These are magical!” In fact, she was even able to get off those pesky pills.

Alli had stumbled upon knowledge known for thousands of years, but somehow forgotten by the West: mushrooms are fantastic for your health.

When it came to psychedelic mushrooms, Alli —like many others— was originally under the impression that “drugs are bad for you.” But after learning about the topic, she realized that “humans evolved eating mushrooms, both functional and psychedelic.” And after experimenting personally and seeing how psilocybin mushrooms helped her mental health, she came to the conclusion that “functional mushrooms have a huge role to play in healing peoples’ bodies, and psychedelics in healing people’s minds.” Specifically, Alli found that microdosing psilocybin mushrooms helped her immensely.

Armed with this knowledge, and wanting to help others as she was helped, Alli decided to “dedicate my entire life to the space… I want to do everything I can to elevate the mission behind mushrooms.”

Alli Schaper's podcast Into the Multiverse
Alli Schaper’s podcast “Into the Multiverse”

After leaving the corporate world, Alli started a podcast discussing functional and psychedelic mushrooms, called Into The Multiverse. This expanded to include the “world’s first functional mushroom marketplace,” featuring her own brand SuperMush. SuperMush’s main products are daily mushroom mouth sprays designed to help improve aspects of your life. For example, they offer SuperMush Daily Immunity and Daily Energy mouth sprays. Tasting like “chilled tangerine crush on the first day of Summer,” these sprays boost your health, while being tasty!

Next, she co-founded the Microdosing Collective, a non-profit “dedicated to education on the benefits of legalizing microdosing psilocybin for optimal human wellness.” The Collective believes in using community to build “a world where sub-perceptual supplementation is safe, legal, and accessible to everyone.” Ultimately, they hope to change the legal framework in the USA and across the world to make psilocybin microdosing available to everyone, boosting mental health.

Alli’s health story started under the same tragic circumstances as far too many people. Hopefully, as more individuals learn about the power of mushrooms, through platforms like Into the Multiverse and the Microdosing Collective, their stories can also change for the better.

Listen to the full conversation between Alli Schaper and Swati Sharma here.

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