On Wonderland, Miami: The Biggest Psychedelic Conference in the World with Microdose’s Patrick Moher
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Important UPDATE : MindMed’s 2020 Year-End Financial Results [ Good News for MMED / MMEDF! ]
Hey Psychedelic Investors! For those of you following MindMed, today’s episode is based on MindMed’s press release where MMED announced their 2020 year-end Financial results.
What was covered in MindMed’s press release?
1. MMED ‘ s total assets
2. MindMed’s Net Cash Operating Activities
3.MMEDF ‘s Net loss
4. The company’s Cash on Hand
5. The date and hour for MindMed ‘s earnings call
MMED / MMEDF / MMQ ‘ stock has been experiencing a little fall lately… As long as the price doesn’t fall below $2 USD, we should still be good-ish in terms of the NASDAQ stock price requirements.. Hopefully it won’t fall below that threshold!
I hope you guys found some value in this and I’ll keep you posted for more changes!
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DISCLAIMER: I am not a financial adviser nor a CPA. These videos are for educational and entertainment purposes only. Investing of any kind involves risk. While it is possible to minimize risk, your investments are solely your responsibility. It is imperative that you conduct your own research. I am merely sharing my opinion with no guarantee of gains or losses on investments.
#MindMed #MindmedStock #MMEDNews
Industry NEWS: The GOOD, The BAD, And The UGLY / New Psychedelic Studies, Legalization Bills & MORE!
Hey guys! In this week’s general industry news, we’ll cover some interesting developments. Some are probably going to make some of our viewers turn away from this week’s episode as they discover some pretty “depressing” statistics about North America’s current mental state. However, for those who stick around, you might end up finding that there might be a light at the end of the tunnel as you discover that psilocybin’s benefits might be extended to treat certain
Psilocybin & Migraines: https://www.psypost.org/2021/05/a-single-dose-of-psilocybin-has-a-lasting-therapeutic-effect-on-migraine-headache-according-to-a-new-placebo-controlled-study-60793
Increased depression in North America:
Opioid Overdose In Ontario:
FDA Greenlights Ketamine:
California Bill to Decriminalize Psychedelics Passes Senate Floor:
Remember to Like, Subscribe, and SMASH that notifications bell to keep up to date on all the latest Psychedelic Stocks news!
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Email: thepsychedelicinvestor@gmail.com
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Music: www.bensound.com
Video editing: @themyaholy
DISCLAIMER: I am not a financial adviser nor a CPA. These videos are for educational and entertainment purposes only. Investing of any kind involves risk. While it is possible to minimize risk, your investments are solely your responsibility. It is imperative that you conduct your own research. I am merely sharing my opinion with no guarantee of gains or losses on investments.
All of the information in this video is public information that James (The Psychedelic Investor) believes to be reliable but it is not guaranteed to be 100% accurate and as such should not be used as advice. Any opinions or thoughts from James (The Psychedelic Investor) are subject to change.
#MindMed #PsychedelicStocks #PsychedelicIndustry
atai Life Sciences Q2 Conference Call and Questions & Answer Period: BIG NEWS for Psychedelic Stocks
What’s up psychedelic stocks investors?!? Today marked atai Life Science’s (Nasdaq: atai) first-ever conference call, for Quarter 2, 2021. In the conference call, atai Life Sciences gave updates on their varying projects, ranging from attempting to treat depression, to cognitive impairment associated with schizophrenia. They also give insights on atai’s digital medicines division and answer investor’s questions at the end of the call.
This Peter Thiel-backed psychedelic therapies company is fighting for the title of the most advanced psychedelic stock. With 10+ different projects under their belt, atai is one of the most exciting companies to keep an eye on in the industry.
This conference call can help investors answer the questions: is atai stock a good investment? Will atai go up? Are psychedelic stocks / shroom stocks good investments? Can psychedelics heal depression? Can psychedelics be used for mental health?
Enjoy the episode!
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#atai #ataiLifeSciences #PsychedelicStocks
Interview with Matt Zemon, Co-Founder, Psychable
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Behind the Scenes of the Philadelic Psychedelic Conference with Victor Acero
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