How Long Do Shrooms Last?
How Long Do Shrooms Last?

For anyone curious to try dipping their toes into the world of psychedelic mushrooms, one of the first and most common questions they might ask is, “How long do shrooms last in your system” It is a natural question, given the anxious anticipation that can precede any psychedelic excursion and definitely one that warrants some research before embarking on a virgin magic mushroom voyage.

The answer is at once straightforward, while simultaneously a bit more complicated, with some slight variations in the trip’s duration span depending on method of ingestion and the strain of mushrooms being consumed.

For the purposes of this article, I will mostly be focusing on methods of ingestion rather than analyzing the different strain variations for their potency and duration, as that is truly an entire topic unto itself (but stay tuned for more on that topic in future articles!). But anyway, the question remains: How long do shrooms last?


So, How Long Does a Shrooms High Last in Your System?

How long do shrooms last
Source: Shutterstock

So, how long do shrooms stay in your system? Well, the short answer is – it depends on a lot of factors. The duration and intensity of your high will be determined by a number of elements, such as:

  • the dose,
  • potency
  • how recently you’ve ingested the mushrooms
  • the individual’s metabolism.

These are all factors that can determine for how long these psychedelic fungi stick around in your body. Generally speaking though, most people should expect shrooms to remain in their systems anywhere from 24 to 48 hours. The good news is that the ‘trip’ often only lasts a few hours and no physical evidence will be left behind to hint at its occurrence!

How long do shrooms’ effects last?

Shrooms Trip Length: Absorption and Metabolization

How to grow magic mushrooms at home

In a nutshell, the general answer I would offer in response to the question, “How long do shrooms’ effects last?” based upon my own personal experience (as well as data submitted by other users and general shared experiences) is 4-6 hours. But again, how long the shroom trip lasts is somewhat dependent on the conditions preceding the trip itself, which can serve as factors which influence the duration and intensity of the trip.

Psilocybin, found in psychedelic mushrooms, is the active ingredient responsible for its psychedelic effects. The minimum dose required to experience the effects of dried mushrooms is usually between 0.2-0.5g, but this can vary from person to person. Taking a moderate dose of 1-2.5g orally typically results in effects lasting from 3 to 6 hours. Psilocybin is approximately 100 times less potent than LSD and 10 times less potent than mescaline.

  • Mushroom Potency: The potency of mushrooms is a crucial factor in determining how much psychedelic compounds are present. This will dictate the quantity of active molecules being released into one’s body. For example, Psilocybe azurescens is dubbed as the world’s strongest psychedelic mushroom and it contains up to 1.8% psilocybin and 0.5% psilocin.  Panaeolus cyanescens, also known as Copelandia cyanescens or “The Hawaiian”  may be even more potent than P. cubensis, containing approximately 2.5% psilocybin and 1.94% psilocin, while Psilocybe semilanceata mushrooms have been found to be as low as 0.2% and as high as 2.37%. 

Read more: The Strongest Magic Mushrooms Based on Potency

  • Amount Consumed: The quantity of mushrooms you consume can have a direct influence on both the intensity and duration of your trip. If you’re looking for an amplified psychedelic experience, simply increase your mushroom dosage; this will result in higher levels of circulating psychedelic compounds in your body. For example, a microdose (0.1-0.3g) is a sub-perceptual ( almost unnoticeable) dose,  a mini-dose of psilocybin (0.35-0.75g) takes you just above the perceptual threshold,  museum dose (0.5-1.5g)than with a mini-dose still won’t give you a full psychedelic experience but will be more noticeable than a mini dose, a moderate dose (2-3.5g) will produce visual hallucinations, including patterns and fractals, and factors like time and depth perception will be distorted but you won’t loose the grasp of your surroundings, and a heroic dose (5g+) will lead to a  total loss of connection with reality.
  • Food in your system: For an incredibly vivid experience and to minimize the potential for nausea, consume mushrooms on an empty stomach. If you do decide to eat, you should know that the food that you consume before taking psychedelic mushrooms can greatly influence the quality of your experience. It recommended to eat light and healthy meals to ensure that you avoid any digestive discomfort or indigestion during your trip. Once should also avoid processed foods, junk food, and greasy meals that may cause inflammation in the gut.

Read also: A Guide to Your Diet Before, During, and After Your Psychedelic Trip

  • Past experience: Over time, your brain develops a tolerance to mushrooms if you take them consecutively. This means that their effects become weaker as you continually consume them, so it’s important to practice moderation and not overdo it.


  • Mixing with Antidepressants: According to a study published in the Journal of Psychopharmacology, serotonergic antidepressants like SSRIs and SNRIs appear to decrease psilocybin’s effects relative to non-serotonergic antidepressants.

Read more: SSRIs and SNRIs appear to weaken psilocybin’s effects, study finds

How you decide to consume shrooms can also play a role in expediting or prolonging these effects; interestingly enough, some people swear by lemon tekking or making shroom tea in order to more quickly experience the effects they were hoping for! So if you’re wondering how long do shrooms stay in your system, it pays to research all your options.

When you lemon tek mushrooms, the effects come on swiftly and intensely. Although this quick onset of psychedelic experiences can be exhilarating, it will also mean that your trip comes to an end sooner than usual. In terms of duration, a trip that would normally last 4-6 hours will be shortened and you’ll start feeling the psychedelic effects within 10-45 minutes as opposed to the typical 30-90 minutes mark.

For those new to the world of psychedelics, it’s best to take things slow and steady when trying hallucinogenic mushrooms. While some people may find a quick onset desirable, the unfamiliarity that comes with such an abrupt change could be difficult for beginners to manage. With this in mind, we recommend easing into your experience so you can adjust accordingly and avoid surprises along the way!

Lemon Tek Benefits

How Does Lemon Tek Work
How Does Lemon Tek Work

The reported benefits of lemon tekking are:

  • Accelerated onset effects
  • Shorter trip duration
  • Better Taste
  • Decreased nausea

How Long Do Shrooms Stay Detectable in Your System During a Drug Screening?

How Long Do Shrooms Stay Detectable in Your System During a Drug Screening?
How Long Do Shrooms Stay Detectable in Your System During a Drug Screening?

Magic mushrooms typically remain in the system no more than 24 hours; however, each individual’s experience varies depending on factors like dosage, age and how quickly their bodies can metabolize its active compounds.

Generally, 5-panel drug tests are not structured to detect shrooms as they focus on detecting substances such as THC, cocaine, PCP, amphetamines and opioids. Unless there is an underlying reason that requires testing for mushroom use specifically, the test conducted will likely omit this drug in its entirety.

When it comes to shrooms and drug testing, the window of detection varies. While some tests can detect trace amounts in urine for up to a week after ingestion, hair follicle drug tests can detect it for up to three months—but these tend to be more expensive. While I’m not in the business of giving unsolicited advice, if you really need to take a drug test and have ingested shrooms recently, then it’s probably best to give your body enough time to rid itself of all psilocybin before taking the plunge. No need taking risks with something as important as your career!

Can I Flush Out Shrooms From My System Faster?

Putting off an upcoming drug test is not an option for many, and unfortunately – as is often the case – there are no shortcuts. It’s a common misconception that consuming or using certain products can flush drugs out of your system faster than your body can do it naturally. Especially when it comes to shrooms’ lasting effects in your system, you can’t simply bypass this process and expect to pass a drug test without issue! Though there are products to help in this regard, they only make sure none of the drugs make their way into your urine during a window of time. So if you’re looking for something to help you beat a drug test, make sure that it works within the limitations of your natural bodily processes.

As time progresses, so do drug tests. Companies have continued to increase the sophistication of their testing standards to catch any potential cheaters. Unfortunately this leaves some desperate individuals with little choice but to attempt to false a drug test result. If you ever find yourself in the regrettable position of having no credibility or alternative course of action than to take a brazen risk – be at least wise enough to do your proper research beforehan.

Many so-called “100% foolproof” methods exist on occasions such as these, and you owe it to yourself pay attention when shopping around for successful approach that works best for your individual predicament. Some duped hopefuls will panic or simply ignore the task altogether, which could disastrously backlash against them if caught red-handed!

It pays dividends in terms of results – and hopefully satisfied coppers at anytime cases arrive where illegal substances are probed – to do the necessary detailed studies till an ace product is selected suited for quality responsibility!

Is it Better to Consume Shrooms on an Empty Stomach?

How Long Do Shrooms Stay Detectable in Your System During a Drug Screening?
An empty stomach is generally the preferred optimal condition for consuming and metabolizing psychedelic mushrooms.

One general recommendation from experienced magic mushroom users, including but not limited to the late, great Terrence McKenna, is that an empty stomach is generally the preferred optimal condition for consuming and metabolizing psychedelic mushrooms. This serves a two-fold purpose, as on the one hand, it can serve to reduce the intensity of any potential nausea symptoms which can sometimes be an unfortunate side-effect in certain users (and which can also be mitigated through some of the alternative consumption techniques I’ll touch upon briefly in this article, such as lemon tekking, brewing mushroom tea, or consuming extracted psilocybin tincture). On the other hand, it sets the stage for rapid absorption and metabolization of the active mushroom compounds, primarily psilocin, which is a chemical pro-drug precursor to psilocybin that is then further broken down by the body once it is metabolized and converted to the active psychedelic chemical we all know and love, psilocybin. 

Read also: A Guide to Your Diet Before, During and After Your Psychedelic Trip

A Shroom Trip’s Length Depends on the Methods of Consumption

How long do shrooms last

When consumed on an empty stomach, raw and rough magic mushroom material can be broken down by the body and will begin to produce effects within 20-40 minutes following initial consumption, with peak active concentrations (and consequent effects) reaching their zenith (the “peak” of the trip) at roughly 1-2 hours. It is during this window of time that there can run a risk of the experience becoming too intense, but generally after two hours, those extreme effects will subside and level out to a more stable and mellow psychedelic experience. For this reason, dosage is of the utmost importance to ensure a smooth psychedelic ride, so it’s important to start “low and slow,” as the saying goes.

You can always take more later, but you can’t take less earlier once you’ve already consumed your shrooms, so if it’s your first time experimenting with magic mushies, you may want to ease into it. But generally speaking, you can expect to start feeling your mushrooms kick in within about 30 minutes following ingestion when consumed on an empty stomach, with peak effects reached at around 1-2 hours, and with the general tapering off of the effects followed by what is referred to as the “afterglow” or “landing” at around the 4-6 hour window.

But this isn’t the complete answer to the question, “How long do shrooms last?”, for there are some alternative methods of consumption that can both speed up the onset and duration of the trip, as well as potentially mitigate some of the negative gastrointestinal side-effects reported by many users whose stomachs may be sensitive to some of the mushroom components (such as chitin) which are difficult for the human body to digest (a side effect which certainly impacts some users more than others–I for one do not experience any nausea when consuming mushrooms, which is perhaps a reason why I love them so much!). 

Can You Increase the Rate of Absorption and Psilocin Metabolization?

psilocybin dosage and effects

One method of increasing the rate of absorption and psilocin metabolization is to brew magic mushroom tea, which is essentially a water-soluble extraction of the psychoactive mushroom compounds.

For more information, see: The Beginner’s Guide to Psilocybin Mushrooms

Ways To Consume Shrooms

Mushroom tea

Brewing the mushrooms in a tea not only extracts all of the goody-goodies from the mushrooms for you, saving your stomach and body a lot of work and making the active compounds more readily available for absorption, but it also removes the parts of the mushrooms that can be difficult to digest, making the trip smoother for users who may struggle with experiencing nausea as a side effect.

The benefits are twofold in this sense, but do be wary: extracting the active psychedelic compounds, whether in tea, tincture, or the lemon tek method, can increase the intensity and the onset of the trip, so it may be best to experiment with just the raw mushroom material for your first time (or at the very least, sip until you trip!). Again, it is always better to start with less in the beginning before increasing the dose. You can always take more later. When consumed in a brewed tea, the effects can take effect as rapidly as within 15-30 minutes, with peak levels achieved within 45 minutes, so definitely proceed respectfully if consuming mushrooms this way. And how long do shrooms last when consumed this way? I’d say a generous 4-5 hours, with some potentially lingering afterglow for an hour or two after the peak of the trip.

You may also like: From Caps to Cup: A Beginner’s Guide to Magic Mushroom Tea

Lemon Tekking

Another method of liquid extraction is lemon tekking, a process which involves soaking the mushroom material in lemon juice for 15-30 minutes before ingesting them, which is hypothesized to help break down the psilocin into active psilocybin. Anecdotal trip reports of lemon tekking (which I can personally vouch for from my own experience) document shroom trip onsets occurring within 10-15 minutes of consumption, with some users describing a virtually instantaneous onset of effects.

Consuming magic mushrooms in this way is definitely recommended for experienced users only, as the trip can come on quite suddenly and with significantly greater intensity, but is generally reported to produce a slightly shorter (albeit more intense) trip, the entire experience of which can be over in as little as 3-4 hours. An alternative, similar method is to prepare an alcohol extraction (or “tincture”), which is another way to consume the primary psychedelic compounds in a manner which is significantly more bioavailable and results in more rapid and intense absorption and effects, but which again can pack quite a punch and can be extremely difficult to dose properly.

This method could also serve as its own article topic, but I’ll just touch upon it briefly here while noting that due to the extreme potency of alcohol-extracted psilocybin (the dosage strength of which can be virtually impossible to determine without experimenting with firsthand, which can be somewhat tricky), I will again recommend this method only for experienced magic mushroom users. I’ve sampled extracts which were extremely potent at doses of only a few drops, so I really emphasize caution when experimenting with this method.

Given the fact that not only do various magic mushroom strains contain wildly varying concentrations of active psychedelic compounds, but even the individual mushrooms themselves from each individual crop can vary greatly in their chemical composition, it is truly a toss-up as to how strong each tincture batch is going to be, and necessitates careful, careful precautions when sampling the tincture batch to determine its strength and potency. When done right, however, and with caution,it is truly, blissfully, ecstatically wonderful, with effects coming on as quickly as 10-20 minutes following ingestion and, similar to the other extraction methods, producing a shorter but more intense trip, with the bulk of the effects wearing off in as few as 4-5 hours and with far fewer side effects than regular ingestion. Such a method also allows for easy re-dosing, so you can intensify your trip as needed, or prolong the trip as needed with just a few squirts of the tincture dropper. 

Read also: How To Make Lemon Tek for a More Potent Magic Mushroom Experience

So, again, how long do shrooms last during a mushroom trip?

In a nutshell, 4-6 hours.

But, as described above, the manner in which the mushrooms are consumed and whether or not they are taken on an empty stomach can be hugely determining factors in how the psychedelic trip will play out, both in terms of duration and intensity. For first-time users, I generally recommend consuming the mushrooms on their own rather than experimenting with extractions, unless one is already aware of having a stomach sensitivity to other types of mushrooms, in which case a gentle and gradual sipping of some mushroom tea might be a preferable method, producing a nice 4-5 hour mushroom experience.

If you’re curious about trying mushrooms and wondering how long the shrooms will last for, I hope this helped to demystify the experience a bit. Always exercise caution when experimenting with any new psychedelic substance, start low and slow with your dose, and above all else: happy shrooming!

Psilocybin Research

Numerous studies have revealed the therapeutic benefits of psilocybin therapy in treating conditions like anorexiatobacco addictionalcohol use disorderweight gainmajor depressive disorder, and treatment-resistant depression. Companies like Compass Pathways, Cybin, Usona Institute, Numinus, TRYP Therapeutics, and Core One Labs are actively exploring various therapeutic uses of psilocybin.

Among these companies, Compass Pathways is the furthest advanced.

In May 2023, Sunstone Therapies conducted an investigator-initiated Phase 2 study evaluating the long-term effects of COMPASS Pathways’ synthetic psilocybin. The study found that 57% of patients who received a single 25mg dose of psilocybin, along with psychological support, reported sustained remission of depression. Additionally, 64% of patients showed a robust clinical response even 18 months later. For more information, you can visit the link.

Compass Pathways initiated the largest Phase 3 clinical trial in June, investigating the use of psilocybin for treatment-resistant depression (TRD). The trial comprises two pivotal studies with a total of 946 participants, along with a long-term follow-up study. Researchers are eagerly exploring the potential benefits of psilocybin-assisted therapy for major depressive disorder, treatment-resistant depression, and other mental health conditions like smoking addiction. This Phase 3 trial could prove to be a significant breakthrough in the field of psychedelics. It is worth noting that positive data from this study could also support efforts to decriminalize psilocybin therapy both in the USA and globally.

The psychedelic industry is currently undergoing significant transformations. As of July 1st, Australia has initiated the use of MDMA for treating PTSD and psilocybin for TRD. Moreover, there is a growing number of psychedelic treatment centers emerging in Oregon and Colorado, as efforts for psychedelic reform in the United States advance. If Compass’ Phase 3 clinical trial yields promising outcomes, FDA approval for psilocybin therapy could become a reality by 2025.

In June 2023, another study was published in the International Journal of Wellbeing, which examined the psychological characteristics of users of psychedelics. Through an online survey, the study found that individuals who use classical psychedelics exhibit greater psychological strengths, lower levels of distress compared to cannabis and alcohol users, and experience improved well-being. The study also revealed that a self-transcendent experience is a significant predictor of positive outcomes associated with psychedelic use. Titled “Psychedelics and Psychological Strengths,” the paper discussed findings from three studies involving a total of 3,157 participants. The survey results indicated that psychedelic users reported various strengths, exhibited less distress, and experienced enhanced well-being.

To find out more read: Psychedelic Users Show Greater Psychological Strengths and Improved Well-being, Study Finds

In the same month, a separate study published in the International Journal of Mental Health and Addiction examined alterations in substance use among Canadians following psychedelic experiences. The findings revealed that a considerable number of individuals who took psychedelics reported a reduction or complete cessation of alcohol, cocaine, and antidepressant consumption after undergoing such experiences.

In July 2023, a Phase 1 study published in Nature Medicine revealed promising findings for the use of synthetic psilocybin in psilocybin-assisted therapy for treating anorexia nervosa (AN). The study reported that after their psilocybin session, 40% of patients experienced a notable decrease in eating disorder psychopathology within three months.

Disclaimer:  Psychedelic Spotlight does not condone the use of illegal substances. The purpose of this article is for educational and harm reduction purposes only. If you suffer from a medical or mental condition, please consult with your doctor before taking any substance.

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