Philadelic Conference Brings Together Interdisciplinary Experts to Advance Understanding of Psychedelics
Philadelic Conference Brings Together Interdisciplinary Experts to Advance Understanding of Psychedelics

Philadelphia, PA – The University of Pennsylvania is proud to announce the Philadelic Conference on the Interdisciplinary Frontiers of Psychedelics, taking place from July 13th – 15th, 2023.

The conference aims to create an inspiring and inclusive space for psychedelic education, scholarship, and community.

The Philadelic Conference cultivates a setting of diverse experts to facilitate meaningful discussion, foster ideas, and expand understanding. Together, attendees will consciously and creatively advance the field of psychedelics for the greater good of society.

With over 50 interdisciplinary experts, the conference programming includes panels, lectures, mixers, workshops, and opportunities to engage with the broader psychedelic community. The event will feature experts in the following session themes:

  • Neurobiology & Physiology
  • History and Sociology
  • Spirituality, Mysticism, & Theology
  • Philosophy & Ethics
  • Translational Research
  • Art & Aesthetics
  • Policy & Social Justice
  • Pedagogy & Training
  • Clinical Research
  • Consciousness & Mind
  • Chemistry & Pharmacology
  • Therapeutic Practice

“We are thrilled to host the Philadelic Conference and bring together such a diverse group of experts in the field of psychedelics,” said Victor Acero, organizer. “Through this conference, we hope to create a space for meaningful discussion and exploration of the potential benefits of psychedelics in a variety of areas, from medicine and therapy to spirituality and social justice.”

Registration for the Philadelic Conference opened March 3rd, 2023., and attendees are encouraged to register early to secure their spot. Attendance fees are $125 for full conference pass, $75 for one day conference pass, and $25 for reception ticket. For more information about the conference, including registration details and speaker bios, please visit the conference website at


Penn Psychedelics Collaborative Mission Statement

The Penn Psychedelics Collaborative is a transdisciplinary research, community engagement, and student training-oriented organization designed to enhance psychedelic scholarship. Psychedelic scholarship is uniquely positioned at the intersection of various disciplines, from the natural sciences to the humanities. Collaboration across fields is essential to generate novel transdisciplinary research, and a Center is the most effective way to facilitate the connections necessary to meet the evolving needs of psychedelic scholarship. This effort brings together faculty with unique approaches to psychedelic research across centers and departments in the Schools of Engineering, Medicine, Nursing, Social Policy and Practice, Law, Business, Arts and Sciences, and Design to catalyze innovative transdisciplinary research. The Penn Psychedelics Collaborative advances the University of Pennsylvania’s own vision of innovation, inclusion, and impact by fostering transdisciplinary research that recognizes and engages the broader community. Transdisciplinary engagement will enhance the Center’s ability to harness research methods that prioritize pragmatic and community based-research approaches.

Engagement of faculty and students across the university will enhance our ability to ensure that perspectives and voices across the psychedelic spectrum are recognized and represented. Beyond representation, utilization of methods that capture the lived experiences of all stakeholders in the psychedelic space will improve inclusion and impact of the Center’s initiatives.

The Penn Psychedelics Collaborative will provide education and training opportunities across undergraduate and graduate programs. This will ensure that Penn graduates are prepared to shape the psychedelic ecosystem based on the best research and mentorship available.

Students are foundational to the university, as they enter the world as a Penn graduate, this center will ensure they are adequately prepared to face the complexity and challenges that psychedelics research may present.

The Penn Psychedelics Collaborative seeks to drive novel transdisciplinary research by integrating ideas across disciplines, increases the broader societal impact by engaging and collaborating with the community, and works to influence the future of psychedelic scholarship through coordinated education and training.



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