Why Psychedelic Spotlight Is Taking the North Star Ethics Pledge
Why Psychedelic Spotlight Is Taking the North Star Ethics Pledge

Psychedelic medicine will radically reshape the future of mankind once it is fully integrated into our society–exactly how, though, is still up to us, which is why we’re taking the North Star Ethics Pledge to align our work with guiding principles that will ensure a more ethical, equitable, and accessible industry centered around healing and wisdom.

“North Star’s mission is to center psychedelic wisdom into psychedelic business, to not only radically improve mental health, but to develop the business practices that can serve as guiding lights in the needed transformation of business as a whole,” the nonprofit states.

The pledge, created over six months with input from 100 stakeholders, is a commitment to a set of seven principles for individuals working professionally in the field of psychedelics, at all levels.

1.) Start within: I pledge to ground my work in the field with work on myself, and to treat personal growth as a lifelong process.

2.) Study the traditions: I pledge to grow my knowledge of the history of psychedelics and their many traditions of use, in a good-faith effort to appreciate both the potential of these substances and the conflict and complexity surrounding them.

3.) Build trust: I pledge to invest in building trust in my relationships across the psychedelic field, and repair trust where possible.

4.) Consider the gravity: I pledge to consider the implications of the choices that I make, understanding the potential consequences of unethical behavior to individuals, communities, and the psychedelic field at large.

5.) Focus on process: I pledge to make the process as important as the outcome, letting the future I hope to see guide the approach I take in getting there.

6.) Create equality and justice: I pledge to actively take steps to make the world more equitable and just.

7.) Pay it forward: I pledge to support the flourishing of the psychedelic field and the communities in which I work, and to give back should my work lead to personal gain.

“We understand and acknowledge the responsibility that accompanies serving as a voice for this industry,” says David Flores, CEO of our parent company Global Trac Solutions (OTCPink: PSYC), which is the first publicly traded digital media company with a focus on the emerging psychedelics industry.

“And as such, The North Star Ethics Pledge is something that is far more than just a simple pledge for us here at Psychedelic Spotlight,” he continues. “It is truly a baseline that we are determined to integrate into every element and aspect, regardless of how big or small, that is associated with how we present ourselves each and every day across this industry and community.”

“A pledge is but a hollow statement if it is not put into action by those who take it,” Flores concludes. “We are committed to leveraging this pledge as a powerful guide and resource to help us earn trust and to never lose sight of our ability to help contribute to the greater good of humanity.”

North Star was co-founded in the fall of 2019 by veteran investor Tim Chang, MAPS product manager Shirelle Noble, MAPS development officer Liana GIllooly, psychotherapist Kat Conour, and artist Dave McGaughey. The nonprofit continues to gather psychedelic entrepreneurs, investors, and stakeholders across the field in dialogue about integrity, ethics and transformational business models for psychedelics.

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