The 6 Microdosing Protocols: A Beginner's Guide to Microdosing
The 6 Microdosing Protocols: A Beginner's Guide to Microdosing

Microdosing was hardly ever talked about just a couple of years ago, but it seems it is now one of the most prevalent health trends in vogue. With the current rise of psilocybin research showing their positive effects on treating mental health conditions, it is no secret that microdosing has grown in popularity. Anecdotal evidence claims that microdosing has a variety of benefits, such as helping manage mental health conditions or increasing focus, so it makes sense why microdosing is at the forefront of culture right now. It can be intimidating learning how to microdose, and even once started, there are a variety of different ways to do it that it can make the whole process overwhelming. To make microdosing easier for you to start, here is a summary of the most popular microdosing protocols for you to choose one that works the best for you, your goals, and your lifestyle.

What substance do I take?

Mushrooms are the most popular substance for microdosing, but not the only one. Do your research on the different types of substances before embarking on a microdosing regimen, as certain substances (such as LSD) can alter when you can take a dose. These protocols are predominantly psilocybin focused.

How long is a microdosing protocol?

Before you start a microdosing regimen, it is important to know for how long to microdose and how long to rest. A complete protocol will be between four to eight weeks, and you will then rest for two to four weeks. Why? Because this is going to help avoid tolerance from building.

After the first month, you can determine if a protocol suits you. If it does, you can continue for another month and then rest. Otherwise, you can switch to another protocol and try it out for another month and then rest. Or you can rest and start the next month.

Now, let’s look at the different types of protocols:

1. The Fadiman Protocol:

Fadiman protocol calendar showing dosing every three days | 6 Effective Microdosing Protocols
The Fadiman Protocol is a great introduction to microdosing and the most popular protocol for beginners.

The Fadiman protocol is one of the most popular microdosing protocols. If you ever read a quick how to microdose guide but did not see “Fadiman” referenced, it is very likely they were using the Fadiman protocol, nevertheless.

This protocol is named after Dr. James Fadiman, who created it to study the effects of microdosing by having microdosing days and non-microdosing days.

Instructions: take a microdose every 3 days.

• Day 1: Microdose

• Day 2: Rest

• Day 3: Rest

• Day 4: Microdose

2. The Fixed Schedule Protocol:

A two-days-a-week protocol can be helpful for people who like routine. | Microdosing Protocols
A fixed-schedule protocol may be easier to follow, if you like to take your microdose on the same day every week.

If you aren’t particularly good at remembering when to take medicine or supplements on a non-fixed schedule, it may be easier to choose specific days of the week to microdose. This fixed-schedule microdosing protocol can make it easier to incorporate microdosing into a routine.

Instructions: Choose specific fixed days to microdose during the week and rest for the rest.

• Fixed Day: Microdose (for example, Monday)

• Day 2: Rest

• Day 3: Rest

• Fixed Day: Microdose (for example, Thursday)

• Day 5-7: Rest

If is also possible to incorporate a third microdose during Day 6 and rest for one day, as this combines elements from the next protocol on this list.

3. Every Other Day Protocol (Microdosing Institute Protocol)

Microdosing every other day can be a great schedule to follow. | Effective Microdosing Protocols
The every-other-day protocol will make it easier to remember when to microdose, as there is only one day of rest in between doses.

This protocol is incredibly easy to do and is bit similar to the Fadiman Protocol. Instead of microdosing every 3 days, you will take a dose every other day. Continue this on-off cycle for 4-8 weeks. This microdosing protocol removes the guessing game on which days you’re going to take your microdose.

Instructions: Take a dose every other day.

• Day 1: Microdose

• Day 2: Rest

• Day 3: Microdose

• Day 4: Rest

Read also: Microdosing Psilocybin for Beginners in 5 Easy Steps

4. The Stamets Protocol

Paul Stamets developed his own microdosing regimen.
The Stamets Protocol is another popular form of microdosing. It incorporates the functional mushroom Lion’s Mane and vitamin B3 and taking a microdose 4 days in a row with 3 days rest.

Another very popular protocol, also known as the Stamet’s Stack, is a little more involved than the others. Invented by mycologist Paul Stamets, he developed the idea of a “stack.” A stack is when you combine different types of mushrooms into a routine.


  • 1 – 0.2 grams of dried psilocybin mushrooms.
  • 500mg – 1000mg Lion’s Mane
  • 25 – 50 mg of niacin (the ‘flush’ kind)

It is important to find high-quality Lion’s Mane supplements. A lot of supplements found on online retailers like Amazon have been found to be fake or of subpar quality, so it is important to choose a retailer whose product contains what it claims. You can find information about how to choose Lion’s Mane supplements on this Reddit thread.

Instructions: Take all three substances for four days, and rest for three days.

• Days 1 – 4: Microdose

• Days 5-7: Rest

You may also like: How to Microdose Psilocybin According to Paul Stamets: The Stamets Stack

5. The Nighttime Microdosing Protocol

photo of a nighttime protocol routine
Sometimes, psilocybin can make you drowsy or fatigued. If this is the case, you may find that taking your microdose at night works best for you. Source: iStock

A side effect of psilocybin microdosing some people experience is slight fatigue or drowsiness. Because of this, it may be better to microdose at night. It is important to note that this only applies to psilocybin. If you are microdosing any sort of LSD compound (1P, 1cP, etc.), do not do this protocol. LSD will keep you awake.

You can modify any of the aforementioned microdosing protocols and take your microdose at night instead. Whether Fadiman, Stamet’s, Fixed Schedule, or the Microdosing Institute Protocol, it does not matter.

Instructions: Take your microdose at least one hour before bed. It can either be every 3rd day, every other day, or on a fixed schedule of two days a week.

6. Intuitive Microdosing Protocol

Microdosing through our intuition can be a great protocol
Following your intuition and microdosing when you need it can be another great way to microdose. Source: Sadhguru

Lastly, sometimes sticking to a set schedule can be difficult. If you realize after trying out any of these microdosing protocols, that you cannot quite commit to their schedules, then you could think of switching over to an intuitive protocol.

Intuitive microdosing is a protocol that is defined by you and tailored to your specific needs. Under this protocol, you choose when you want to microdose by using your own intuition as a guide. After trying out a protocol, some people tend to switch over to a more intuitive protocol. You know yourself best, so you may know best when it’s a good time to microdose based on how you have been feeling.

If you are often forgetting your microdose, then your intuition may be telling you that you may not need it. On the other hand, if you are remembering and often reaching for it, then listen to that intuition.

The only rule in this is that you must leave one day in between doses to rest.

Instructions: Take your microdose whenever you feel you need it. Make sure to leave one day of rest in between doses.

How do I know which protocol to choose?

It can be hard to choose one of the many microdosing protocols that exist, but do not fret. The best way to choose a microdosing protocol is by trying them out and seeing which one works best with your lifestyle and your goals. Many beginners start with the Fadiman Protocol, so try starting with that. If you find that the scheduling is too confusing or you rather have a more predictable dosing cycle, you can switch over to any of the other protocols. Follow what works best for you.

The most important thing is for you to become aware of how you feel during a microdose day and during a rest day. Keep a journal during your microdose regimen where you write down how you are feeling, where your mind is, if any specific memories come up, etc. This will help you keep track of your mindset during your microdose journey and be able to practice integration.

You may also like: A Data-Driven Guide to Microdosing Psychedelics

Closing Thoughts

In conclusion, microdosing has gained significant popularity in recent years due to its potential positive effects on mental health and focus. With various microdosing protocols available, it can be overwhelming to choose the right one for you. However, understanding the different options and experimenting with them will help you find the protocol that aligns best with your goals and lifestyle. Whether you opt for the widely used Fadiman Protocol, the Fixed Schedule Protocol for a more routine-based approach, the Microdosing Institute Protocol for an every-other-day cycle, the Stamet’s Protocol to add functional mushrooms to the mix, the Nighttime Protocol to minimize fatigue, or the intuitive approach tailored to your needs, the key is to listen to your body and adjust accordingly. By keeping a journal to track your experiences and mindset, you can enhance your microdosing journey and practice effective integration. Ultimately, sifting through microdosing protocols and finding the right one is a personal exploration that can bring numerous benefits to your well-being and daily life.

Want to Learn More?

Psychedelic Spotlight’s Bonfire division offers a FREE Psychedelics for Beginners course and I 4 week Microdosing for Creativity Course where you can learn everything about the different psychedelic compounds, the importance of mindset, how to prepare for your psychedelic experience and how to integrate it.

DISCLAIMER:  Psychedelic Spotlight does not in any way encourage or condone the use, purchase, sale or transfer of any illegal substances, nor do we encourage or condone partaking in any unlawful activities. We support a harm reduction approach for the purpose of education and promoting individual and public safety. If you are choosing to use psychedelic substances, please do so responsibly.

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